
Malabars Bumper by Resistance [web]

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 | "21 Years_of Fun, Friendship & Releases" |  \<    .:          |.|   | |
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 \_	      |:|       Release : Malabars Bumper                        |:|
  »\	      | |     		                                   	 | |
  _/\______   |:|  Release Date : 16.07.2016				 |:|
_/»>/»»¿»»/\  |:|  Release Type : Sega Megadrive/Genesis Demo		 |:|
\  ¿»»»||»\/»/\_|                                                        | |
 \__    |  »»\/»>  Release Info : Enjoy our latest Sega Megadrive/Geneis |:|
  ¿»\_  |     :¿\                 Demo. This release is tested on real   | |
      > |     . <		  hardware and the Fusion emulator.	.| |
     /	      :	<		  It will NOT work on Gens/Gens Kmod	o| |
     \	      : <		  or forks of this one.			:| |
     /        : <		  				        :| |
     \        : <		  					:| |
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    __/»\_  __ _____> \__  __»\____| |    |  Active Members    »»        ::: |
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 ¿»    :. _¿>>¿  >_¿  <_» <_<_/»   | |¿ ¿¿|  4pLaY | m0ns00n | CaptainHug    |
       .  >>>»¿ < »»¿ <»»¿<»»»»\_  | |    |  Skepsis | Pmc | Fra | Sim1      |
       :: »<¿_  <_»  <»»¿ <        |_|__  |  Nainain | Sachy | Grass | Tr4p  |
       ..: <¿_¿ <_»¿ <»¿¿ <        ||¿ ¿| |  Kompositkrut | Fjern | Woober   |
       ::.  >____<___<_»__<	|»»»|__¿|»»»»»»»»¿¿¿»»»»»»»|\ _________      |
        .   »\<»<»<»»<»<»<<	| Greetings to:        ::: |_\_	  | |  |||»¿»
         :.   \o<  \ <  \ <	|                            »|   | |  ||
    	:.     \<   \<	 \<     | Everyone at Solskogen 2016  |   | |   |
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