
Dreaming Surrealist by Paraguay

      WebGL 4k intro
    by rimina / Paraguay

 Run instructions & support
* Tested with Chrome & Firefox on Windows environment
* There is three versions provided (all < 4k)
  * all versions are 720p
  * the aa version has anti aliasing addressed so it provides the best quality
    however it propably won't run smoothly (at least it doesn't with GTX 960).
  * the center version centers the canvas automatically
    the default version or the aa version does not do that
* All versions hide mouse cursor & overflow
* None of the versions goes automatically to full screen
* Starts immediately (after loading) when launched
  * loading however takes a while and the browser can be unresponsive during that time.
To make this demo several tools were used:
Audio track is done using sonant-js live
(Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Jake Taylor, Copyright (c) 2011 Marcus Geelnard )
The sonant-js play routine (modified by me) is also used.

Packing the code is done using:
Google closure compiler, http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home
GLSL minifier: http://glslunit.appspot.com/compiler.html
JsExe, http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=59298

I want to thank the original authors for providing these tools!

Thanks to Iq for great articles of ray marching and procedural content generation.
In this intro I have used the color palette technique introduced here:
As well as the fog introduced here:

Also thanks for Mercury for publishing their improvements for sphere tracing performance! :)

And last but not least thanks for all awsome people sharing their knowledge about ray marching in
Pouet raymarching toolbox and other related threads.