Smash It by Elix
Smash It Elix at TRSAC 2014 on fucking SUPER NINTENDO - Ferris - cTrix - Alien - SUPER RUSHED PARTY VERSION ALERT!!! This means there are a couple bugs. Oh well :) A final probably won't appear; time to start the next one already ^^ Made mostly in a mad dash to the deadline after spending way too much time making tools XD Many emu's are pretty picky with this, particularly with timing/sync; in general higan works and the rest might :) At least we got some more platform exploration out of it, and a pretty sick set of tools for later ;) NTSC version may or may not come soon. Greetings to: . Youth Uprising . Outracks . Disaster Area . Paradox . Genesis*Project . Desire . Titan . Brainstorm . Mercury . Snorpung . ▄mlaⁿt Design . bitFlavour . Andromeda Software Development . Conspiracy . Farbrausch . Plastic . MFX . Traction . Northern Dragons . Trailer Park Demos . Gravity . RGBA . TBC . Loonies . Portal Process . Kvasigen . Nazareth Creations (fucking lamers) . PlayPsyCo . Kvasigen . Gravity . Quite . XPLSV . Keyboarders . Shitfaced Clowns . Spaceballs . Ephidrena . Darklite . VRTX P.S. I realized I forgot to mention beware, nitro2k01 and nordloef way back for their help along the way when I was making Demon Blood / YUP, so HUGE THANKS to you guys and sorry for not mentioning it sooner. <3 More SNES demos soon to come!! ^^
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