dolphinary by Appendix [web] & Pic Saint Loup & Venus Art
Short: Dolphinary by Pic Saint Loup Author: (Pic Saint Loup) Uploader: (Adamsoft/PSL) Type: demo/sound Requires: AHI V4,AGA or CGX D o l p h i n a r y musicdisk by Pic Saint Loup with Appendix & Venus Art support Created By: Music : Pic Saint Loup (Adamsoft & SUPERFML) Graphics : Juma / Appendix Main code : BJSebo / Venus Art 3d Engine Code : Noe / Venus Art -*- Requirements AHI audio system V4 AHI audio system is Copyrightá⌐1994-97 Martin Blom. ( or random aminet sites) Amiga AGA or Amiga with CyberGraphX 68020 CPU 4Mb Fast Ram -*- Recommended ----------- 68040-25 or faster High quality 16 bit soundcard (Delphina DSP will be enough) Graphics Card with CyberGraphX installed (or Picasso96) You can specify 2 parametters from cli when running this production: 'prefs' allow you to select you preferable ahi mode main screen mode and intro screen mode.Ahi mode can be changed from main program also. (default prefs: Paula:Fast 8bit mono 22050hz) 'nointro' will skip intro part. ***WARNING*** those parameters can be specified only from cli!!! Otherwise you will see guru. ***WARNING*** !!!we would like to sent special thanx to authors digibooster pro for greates multichannel tracker for amiga and more, more, more.. !!!
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