
Säätäjä by sYmptom

      * * * * * * * * * * * * SÄÄTÄJÄ * * * * * * * * * * * * *

               (c) By sYmptom productions (tm) 1995

  This is our contribution to the Juhla '95 democompetetition. Yep, you red
right.. There was no introcompo, but we still wanted to compete, so there was
no alternative. And besides, after making a demo to The Party '94 we were sick
and tired of making demos and this small intro suits us fine!

  This intro contains quite ordinary effects... Julia morpher, 3d-stuff..
nothing shocking but not so lame either! And great music by Krystal. Og didn't
have much time to draw the graphics, so there aren't many of his works included
in this intro, but i guess you'll recognize them =)..

More specific credits for the coding go like :

The beginning  : Fitchew
Julia Morpher  : Gimle
Writer         : Gimle
flat-torus     : Tonic&Gimle
Gouraud-town   : Gimle
torus          : Tonic&Gimle
Gouraud-torus  : Tonic&Gimle

Vectorengine   : Gimle&Fitchew&Tonic

Thanx to Lasse Karlsen for some of the filler algorithms!

And the graphics... :

Face           : Og
Font           : Gimle
Objects        : Tonic&Fitchew&Gimle
Additional gfx : Hippo of Amen-PC (Heaven & Hell)

  Well.. enjoy it.. And remember to have atleast 590kb of memory free when you
run it! The first part will skip (it will start from the julia morpher then) if
it runs out of memory.

Legal notice : Any commercial use of this product without our permission is
               not allowed! This includes CD-ROMs too! Contact Gimle if you
               wish to include this intro in your commercial CD-ROM collection!

Gimle's address for contacts and pc/c64 mailswapping :

Toni Aittoniemi
Ruutisarventie 23 D
03100 Nummela

Gimle's E-Mail address : toni.aittoniemi@pcb.mpoli.fi