
Flashback by Centari

                          F  L  A  S  H     B  A  C  K
                                Centari Product

              1) Centari brief history.
              2) A list of Centari's members + contact information.
              3) This release.
              4) Releases so far.
              5) Notes.

 1) Centari brief history.

    It all started last year , when High Dive and I decided that we should
    raise the first Israeli demo group, and we did so.
    Than, normally, we decided to make a demo that will be the first Israeli
    real demo.
    Finding a good staff for making a demo was a hard job, because, there
    aren't many known demo-dealers in Israel, at the time, they're all
    doing their lousy modem-trading and all of this wares stupid stuff.
    after a couple of weeks of massive search (Which in High Dive  decided to
    release his first module: The Duels, as the First group release).
    We have found 2 GFX people, another coder and an ANSI artist and the group
    looked like:

    Helium, NightMare    - Code
    High Dive            - Music
    Camouflage,Crab      - Graphics
    NightShadow          - Ansi

    After a short time we discovered that Crab is way too lazy for a demo
    making (She was a girl so we can understand her), it was hard to get
    in touch with NightMare and there is no place to an Ansi artist in a demo
    group so we stayed only the 3 of us: Helium, High Dive, Camouflage.
    In this composition we released Deep-Space: High Dive's music disk.
    The reason that we did not released a demo at that time is because I was
    coding only for 4 months at that time and I wasn't exactly great ;)
    After a while that Movement 95 demo party was declared and we started to
    work on our demo.
    Soon we realize that we need a 3D artist for the object and stuff so Demon
    a young but promising artist joined the group.
    At the end we made the demo 1 day before the party and we won the 4th
    place which is not that bad.
    At the party we realized that Israel do have a demo scene and that was
    a very nice thing to know.

    At this moment we are planning 4 releases:

    1) Intro to show that Centari can meet the world level.
    2) The Movement 95 report in associate with Moon Hunters.
    3) High Dive 2nd music disk
    4) Camouflage 1st music disk

 2) A list of Centari's members + contact information.

    Centari's Members List:

    Handle      │ Real name   │ Age  │ Profession
    Helium      │ Maor        │ 17   │  Code
                │             │      │
    High Dive   │ Asaf        │ 16   │  Music
                │             │      │
    Camouflage  │ Shlomo      │ 15   │  Artist
    Demon       │ Kfir        │ 15   │  3D Artist

    You can contact our members in the following places:


   Coders F/X, Civax, +972-7-753-224

   Distribution Sites:

   The Final CountDown, Nuclear Byte, +972-2-819007

 3) This Release

    This demo was made in a super-hurry, one day to be exact.
    Tough we planed to make it much earlier we trashed three different designs
    Any way the result was very nice, tough not amazing at this time I could
    not implant a phong or gouruad shading so it wasn't very sophisticated.
    The demo have no bugs but the music sometimes is not synchronized with the
    The demo do not need much only:

    + 550KB of conventional memory.
    + 500KB of ems memory for the music system.
    + SB2/SBPRO/SB16/GUS, if you want to here the music.


 4) Releases so far:

    │ Name       │ Type        │ Date     │ Size    │
    │ The Duel   │ S3M         │ 20/12/95 │ 156KB   │
    │ Deep Space │ Music Disk  │ 29/07/95 │ 1.4MB   │
    │ Flash Back │ Demo        │ 01/01/96 │ 1.5MB   │

 5) Notes.

    We hope that you will like this release, after all this is a very nice
    I think that it's a great demo considering that we made it in one day with
    one coder. (myself).
    We will be happy to receive any comments, good or bad about this demo, or
    other releases.

                                                Helium / Centari
                                                1996 (c)