
Hylst ST Pics Slideshow & Zik & Fx by Hylst

Hylst ST Pics Slideshow & Zik & Fx - the video online



a video with special FX
a slideshow of my ST gfx 320x200x16 (most among 512 colours) 
a music video with my 3 last month little music creations


Pictures done on ST mainly with Degas elite, Crack art, and Synthetic Arts  
(90% were pixed 15/20 years old gfx and really average, with about 10 % better ones in 2011)

Music done on PC / Falcon (3 parts, 3 musics, first chippy, second jazzy, and third tek)

Video & Fx done on PC

by Hylst


Sorry for PC using & only video, but running out of time to finish ST slideshow & music disk started a too long time ago.

Next prod 2 come : Reheat demo for ST (didn't find time to do it in time for sv2k11)

More about my realeases (loosy, i know...) on :
