
Foolish by Green Grapes

Foolish - a Green Grapes production

   "I can code!  Really!"           "That guy looks like a bug."
                  -pfister                            -exokai                       

Wow.  We finally finished a demo.  Moreover, *I* (pfister) finally finished
a demo.  This is the only demo I've ever worked on that has actually been
released, in allll my years coding demo effects... waay backk... if you
don't count all those other ones that we'd all rather forget... come to think
of it, a lot of them were quite similar to this, except without music.  I
think I'll go lie down for a while now.


Most of this code dates back to nearly a year ago.  Psykosi worked on it as
well.  His solo sequence was eventually removed, but many of his ideas are
in here.  None of us can recall which ideas are whose, it's been so long.


Beek wrote it.  I did a bit to it, such as converting it to amiga pitch slides
and reordering the orders to fit the demo better.  Therefore the orders he
states in the sample text are incorrect.  Actually, I may have fixed those
orders listed in the sample text before changing the order list again, so it
may be partially correct.  Ignore them in any case.


We both did some of the dialogue.  Most of the infantile/funny stuff is
Beek's :)  Someone suggested that we get rid of some of the less mature
dialogue, but our feeling is that a lot of the "humor" would be lost if we
cleaned it up.


Ascii sure is fun.  For the most part, the graphics for each part were done
by the coder.  My alien is vaguely modeled after Beek's, and I know that I
wrote the entire "alien ate the fool and spat him out at Satan's feet" routine
just so I could create an animation like Beek's time machine.


Green Grapes, the powerful demo group: http://members.tripod.com/~ggrapes/


Pfister, the powerful coder: pfister@connectnet.com
Beek, the powerful musician: beek@cts.com