luminous by Neon [web]
, .odS$$Sb. ,. d .dS$$Sb, .dA$$$$$$$$A. `$b. ,$$ d$$$$$$$$$b. d$$Γ°' 'P$ `$$b. ,$$' $$' ~°`ª` '$Γ' `? .d$$b `$$Bb.$$$S `P, ?$$Sb. ε$$$P; `$$$$$$$$b °?P °?o,. `?$Γ' 3$$$$$$$$b. .z'.d ?b `^ª?$$$äosp d$$$$$$$$$$$b. ,d' .$Γ °A, .A$Γ' ,a?' ~$$$$$$$ .d$$$$$$$$P'~`?$P. ,d!' .$$ `$b .d$' .s$P' `$$$$$' .τ$Γ'~`?$$$' `Q$a. dΓ,B A$$ `?a.,P;.,sª$¿Γ )$$SP .d$P' ?$' Q$ A$ εb $$$, ?$bΓª^~ .dP' ,$$SΓ ,d$$$' $ f$P, `bb`$$$, d$$b .d$ε aS$P' ,$$$$Γ . ¡$$$äaä$$A.`$D. $$$¡ ;$$b ,SΓ' $$$$$S .S $$$; `$b.`T, d$$$D `$$$. .A$Γ `$$$$$b .S$ ?$$A. `?$b. d$$$$Γ ?$$$. .$Γ' ^?$$$b. .d$$$$ ?$$$a. ?$ d$$$$P ?$$$a.`[ic] `^?$b. .d$$$$$$$.`$$$$b. '.d$$$$Γ .a ?$$$$a. `?b. ?$$$$b. '~^"~°' .d$$P `$$$$$a. `' d$$$P' ?$$$$$b. luminous - the world of lights .$$$$$$. `?$$$$$b. .$$$$$$$b. a 256b demo by insomniac·matrix i n t r o d u c t i o n . winter. all the leaves have left their trees to seek shelter under the snow, to escape from the coldness and blizzards whirling above earth. and here i am. sitting in my warm house not concerned about the weather outside, but writing a program -that has never ever been written before. this program i named luminous, from the latin word 'luminomius' which means; beaming light, or light source without the presence of heat. i n f o . this demo entered a compo held at #coders (efnet) during x-mas 1997. out of 25 entries it was voted the best. but since i was involved in the organizing, many believed me to have been cheating. unfortunately i was not the one counting the votes. r e q u i r e m e n t e s . to be able to run the demo you need a 386, due to the use of certain 386 instructions. but a pentium is highly recommended. attention: on some machines the palette routines doesn't seem to work. please report any similar failures. d i s c l a i m e r . though i am very sure that this program is not hazardous in any way i cannot assure you that it is not fatal. (ie. run at your own risk!) c r e d i t s . insomniac . all programming - design n e w s . m e m b e r s . insomniac . programmer · io . programmer · orion . gfx · soulariuz . music · paws . music · @none-valid g r e e t s . . zycho·the torrent project . ethry . parody . tryx·xography .·∙·. the world is full of adventures, go out and find them. ∙·.·∙
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