
Al Castone by The Moose Brothers

               _______             ________
         _____|       |__________ |        |          ______________
         \__           _________/_|        |_________/              \
          /                       \                  \        -      \
         /                         \_                 \_   __________/_
         \_____________             /      l           /_____         /
                      \____________/-------|__________/s H O\________/
      [             t                     h                   e        ]
     _____  _____  ____________  _____________  _/\_________  ___________
    /     \/     \/            \/             \/   ________/_/           \
   /              \      _      \_      _      \__________   \      _     \
  /                \__           /___           /             \_  ________/
  \______/\/\______/ \__________/   \__________/------i________/__________\
[          m               o              o             s             e      ]
 __                                         __
|  |                         ___           |  |
|  |____  __  ______________|   |_________ |  |____  _______  __  ___________
|       \/  |/      /     \      ________/_|       \/   _   \/  |/    /  ___/
|    -   \    _____/   -   \               \_       \  _____/_    ___/----- \
|_________\____| /__________\----i__________/_|\_____\________\___|__________\
[   b        r        o            t           h       e       r        s    ]
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|        ---[ a c c e l e r a t e d   d e m o   r e l e a s e  ]---          |
|                                                                            |
|		   ---[ AL CASTONE - THE REAL STORY ]---                     |
|                                                                            |
|                     ---[ D R E A M H A C K 9 9 ]---                        |  
|                                                                            |
}---[ Some notes... ]---                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|    A system config like this will give you a high FPS                      |
|    K6-2 400Mhz                                                             |
|    64Mb ram                                                                |
|    A OpenGl compatible 3daccelerator                                       |
|                                                                            |
|    OpenGL is very recommended for watching this demo, DirectX is for all   |
|    people that don∩t have a "real" card :) and doesn∩t display the demo    |
|    with full quality. If you got a Voodoo card you should get the ogl      |
|    driver from  www.3dfx.com (NOT the ogl minidriver). 		     |
|                                                                            |
|    If you doesn∩t got a 3daccelerator you can still run the demo in ogl    |
|    software. If you do make sure you get the SGI ogldriver as it is faster |
|    then the M$driver, but don∩t expect a higher framerate then 5fps :(     |
|                                                                            |
|    Some parts of the demo is 3Dnow optimized these parts will fallback     |
|    to mmx/fpu if you doesn∩t have a 3dnow cpu but will run ALOT faster     |
|    on a 3dnow cpu.                                                         |
|                                                                            |
}---[ Credits... ]---                                                        |
|                                                                            |
|                       ---[ Programming ]---                                |
|     BIZZE                                        3Dengin&Animation         |
|     GOSUB                                        MarchingCubes&3Dnow       |
|                       ---[     3Dfx    ]---                                |
|     GLAZER                                       Modeling&Animation        |
|     CYC                                          Additional 3dfx           |
|                       ---[    MUSIC    ]---                                |
|     IONIZED                                      Composing                 |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                                                      			     |
\___________________________[ TMB homepage: www.algonet.se/~skede ]__________/