Nakki by Kinky Productions
Nakki.exe released 11.6.1995 at Abduction party You use this program(Nakki.exe=sausage.exe) at your own risk. It has been developed on a standard a1200. It may or may not work with more advanced processor and fast mem. If you have fast mem, then DO NOT boot this production from your hard-drive because i don`t handle vbr correctly and therefore this program may crash. Boot it from disk or make sure that vbr register is not copied to fast-ram.(heh heh.) This "demo"(sigh!) wasn`t ment to be a breathtaker but a beautiful piece of K!NKY design. It was releasaed in a hurry and now it seems to me like that this prod. is quite unfinished, but I don`t have the time and motivation to make it better... Look at the following addys for friendly swapping. K!nKY p÷iv÷ssΣ pit÷÷ l÷÷kΣrin loetommala. Contact friendly swapper... ___/| __/|_ /|__ \_^_/ /\/ ^ \/^ _/ | | / | \ /^|| | _| |/^ /| V || | \_^ __/ |^ | || ^| | \ | | || |_____ | |\ ^\| ^|^ /\ ^ \ /^| \_/ »»\_/ \^ ^ / »»» »»»»»»» Of K!NKY & Neoplasia Kimmo Lappalainen ╗ Pikkutie 3 ½ 60510 Hyllykallio Finland. !100 % REply. 030-50MHZ & 1GB HD & VBS on line to snail mail with. ╕_ ___ ____________ _ ______ _____ ___________ ______ _╕ ___ _/ ______ ___ _ / _ \_ _/ ________ / __ _ ..../ __ // // / // __ // / /...... :dK/____\_____/ / ____/ //____\_____/ \__ / : :. _/ _____/ __ _________/ .: ::.......................................................:: :: wANNA sWAP wITH'NUFF fAST :::: sUBSTANCE/k!NKY/rNO/fCI.: : mUSICIAN sTUFF oF aLL kINDS ::::: uRHEILIJANPLK.6 AS13 :: :: aLSO aGA & jOINING k!NKY :::::::::: 33720 tAMPERE :::::: :::: [dISK+yOUR mIND=100%] :::::::::::::: fINLAND ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::[mAKE SURE tO gET all k!NKY pRODS.]::::::::::::
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