
Just A Dentro by Lithium

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 ││ Release note ││
 │ Our very first Production. A small Intro called JUST A DENTRO.            │
 │ We don't want to prove anything, but just to show that we are on the      │
 │ PC scene :)                                                               │
 │ Lithium is born, has made Just, and you got it ! :)                       │
 │                                                                           │
 │ Don't expect to mutch from this dentro. In fact it was ready one year ago │
 │ but never released maybe because I was too lazy to finish it... ;-)       │
 │                                                                           │
 │ Speed is a big problem about this dentro... It is supposed (!!!) to work  │                                                                           │
 │ at its best, on something like a 486 dx 41.5 so don't cry if there are    │
 │ speed trouble... :-)                                                      │
 │                                                                           │
 │ Warning: this dentro contains Asm and Pascal routines...                  │
 │ Just to show something may be done with it... even if... :-)              │
 │                                                                           │
 │ Look at our very soon Musi-Disk, who will called : WAFF ! You will be     │
 │ able to find what means W A F F :)                                        │
 │                                                                           │
 │ It isn't a joke, it isn't a commercial purpose, it's Lithium production.  │
 │                                                                           │
 │ This dentro uses CRYSTAL PLAYER 2.70 from Dilvish / MWB Corp              │
 │ and support Sound Blaster and GUS...                                      │
 │                                                                           │
 │ To run this dentro you need at least 590 ko free base memory.             │
 │ If you encounter memory troubles, try again with more free memory.        │

 ││ Lithium Memberlist ││
 │ Handle      │ Location    │ Tasks        │
 │ Aragorn     │ France      │ Coding       │
 │ Zool        │ France      │ Graffix      │
 │ Asle        │ France      │ Music        │

 ││ Greetz part ││
 │ Here follow Asle's personnal greetz :                                     │
 │  Xigh / ReDoX          n'oublie pas de voter babar !!!!! haha             │
 │  all ReDoX members     phone me up Silvere !                              │
 │  Wah                   hey ... did you bought your PC yet ?               │
 │  Cancel                chuis reformeeeeeeeee    hahahaha ...  et toi ? :) │
 │  Abulafia              your socks smells terribly ! more than mine !!!    │
 │  X.R.                  ben alors ... tjs militaire ? ... pfff             │
 │  Baldric / Extreme     did you received the dox ?                         │
 │  BrainKiller           keep drawing ASCII thingy .. you're the best !     │
 │  Jogeir Liljedahl      Please!!!! contact me !!!!!!!                      │
 │  Elsa                  ... what to say ... since you'll never read that ! │
 │                                                                           │
 │ Here follow ZooL's personnal greetz :                                     │
 │  Shocker / KlooN       Fun Rulezzzz ;)                                    │
 │  Gandalf / Infiny (ChomP²)                                                │
 │  EDEN Systop                                                              │
 │  Lin Ke-Fong / Etheral Software                                           │
 │  Walken                                                                   │
 │  AJT                   You're a VERY COOL guy you know ;)                 │
 │  UkkO & RA             I think you are the best gfx-man of the PC scene   │
 │  All MWB's members     What's comin up after ESCAPE ? Another great demo ?│
 │  All the other I forget....                                               │
 │                                                                           │
 │ Here follow AragorN's personnal greetz :                                  │
 │  Gandalf / Infiny                                                         │
 │  MWB Corp                                                                 │
 │  Walken / Impact Studios                                                  │
 │  Sandman / Valhalla                                                       │
 │  Realtech                                                                 │
 │  HPower                                                                   │
 │  Dr Chandra                                                               │
 │  Gbin                  The coolest sysop ever!                            │
 │  Metallica & Suicidal Tendencies                                          │
 │                        for having spent coding time with me!!!            │
 │  Brab'                 for letting me watching soccer games on his TV     │

 ││ Contacting us ││
 │ Email :                                                                  │
 │ Asle          asle@labori.gna.org or asle@warka.univ-paris8.fr           │
 │ ZooL          cyril.bourbon@ace.epita.fr                                 │
 │ Aragorn       aragorn@nuxes.frmug.fr.net                                 │
 │ or on IRC #mods - talk to Lithium, Asle   (not very often...)            │
 │ World Wide Web :                                                         │
 │ should be ready soon                                                     │
 │ Check Asle's home page at http://warka.univ-paris8.fr/~asle/             │
 │ Telephone :                                                              │
 │ Asle (sylvain)  +33 (1)46669303 (home) or +33 (1)49406412 (high school)  │
 │ ZooL (Cyril)    +33 (1)48606994 (home)                                   │
 │ telephone numbers should be valid for at least a few month ongoing       │
 │ Snail Mail                                                               │
 │ (Asle)                        (Aragorn)                           (Zool) │
 │ S. Chipaux                   Alain Regnier                 Cyril Bourbon │
 │ 27 r. prosper legoute      83 rue de Monceau             3 rue de Verdun │
 │ 92160 Antony                 75008 PARIS                  93290 Tremblay │
 │ France                          France                            France │
 │   Or take a look at our World Head Quarters - ACE BBS +33 (1)45887548    │

                                                           Asle signing off,