Trayanda by Dinx Project & Skid Row [web]
........ ...... _________ ╖:::::::. .:::::╖ _________. )______ \\ ╖:::::::. .::::::|»\\ ____ | | |/ |╖::::::::::::╖ | \___ | _| / | ╖::::::::╖ _| |____| \__ ║ | .:::::::::. \__ |draw l/ _____í::::::╖::::::. l/ ║ í /_______\ .::::::╖ ╖::::::./______\ .::::::╖ ╖::::::. D I N X P R O J E C T aNd S K I D R O W presents: -+* T R A Y A N D A *+- (...Where Wild Roses Grow...) Contact, Greeting, Mag Announcing demo C R E D I T S c o d e OSTER / DXP & SACHY / SR^DXP (main!) g f x DR.D / DXP m u s i c XTD / MST d e s i g n SACHY / SR^DXP TINNER / DXP s u p p o r t & o r g a n i z e TIMI / DXP THX 2 IRC Friends 4 everything.... Published At The Roush Hour'97 in Czestochowa - POLAND G R E E T I N G S AmNeStY, AnAdUnE, ApPeNdIx, ErOtIc DeSiGn, FlOpPy, Fci, Genetic, HaUjObB, IlLuSiOn, InVeStAtIoN, IrIs, MyStIc, JoKeR TeAm, LbD, NiPsOn, PaSsIoN, PiL, PuLsE PC, RaM JaM, RoYaL, SkId RoW, TeRmOs, TbL, Vd & FaRlIgHt, UnIoN Note: No assigns needed, just run ##Trayanda##.exe from HD... This is our way to say hello 2 all ou Friends. Don't VOTE!!! We had something 2 say, but there were no place 4 text in our previous realise from The Party'96 (named: Limes Inferior), so we decided 2 make this one. BTW: all effects (I HATE PHONGS!!!) are in 1x1 aspect ratio. We think, they are pretty fast (the FASTEST?! - ... Be Quick, Or Be DEAD!). Ripp it and check by yourself (if ya' can :^)!!! I (Sachy) think, that this demo is L.A.M.E. and borring - sorry 4 that, but it'i only our CONTACTRO... Demo *SHOULD* work on standard A1200 (replace all externals, buffers), BUT MC 68030 IS recomended!!! Look 4 our comming (sooooon!) polish-english magazine: -+* F A S T I D I U M *+- in cooperation with: A M N E S T Y ! ::::::: ... ... ::::: ::: .::::::. :::. ::: ::: _ ::╖ . ╖::. - d i n x - ╖:::. ... ╖ __( )__ :: ::. .______ ____ _____ _____. :: .::::::. _|::╖ ╖╖|_ ::: __|___ / _\ /_ \ \____\ |____ ::╖ _ (_ ╖ : _) ╖:./ ___/ /___) __ (__\__ \_ \_ | _/ ::╖ __( )__|___ ___| / |/ _\/_ \ . \ ::: |_ _|: (_).:| / ╖ _ \/\/ ____\ .____| .╖:: _) (_ _ |╖::. $╨!\_________\\_________( )___| | ╖::╖\ |___ ___|__( )__| ::. .:╖|______\ (_) .:: ________ _______ _______╖:: .____ ╖ _______ _______ ____. :: _ __) _ ¼\_) __ \ / ____ (__ | (_|__) ___/ __) ___/ _) |__ ___| \ _/ /_/ \_ / (__| | _/___\ )_____\ ____/_ __ \______/ \ ¼/ / \_ ╖ _ _ \ | / (______| |_____\ ________. /____._____\ .____\ .____\ | ╖ )___| ::. |___( | )___| )___| )___|dGs ::. ╖ ╖: :: ::: :::::. .:: - p r o j e c t - ╖:::::╖ -+ D I N X P R O J E C T +- T R U E A R T T R U E F R I E N D S H I P
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