Relic by Nerve Axis [web]
_._ _ _ _ _._ [SOf] \|/ bACK ONCE AGAIN WI|H |HOSE b|OCK ROCKIN' bEA|S \|/ [SOf] : : ....................................................... :: _ ____________ _ __ _____::___________ (≈) N.e.r.v.e A.x.i.s (≈) _\\\ / _ ______::_ _ _____ _ ____\_____ /_ _____» »» »»»»»::»»»»»»»»»»» .__\\\_ .╖/_\\\ _/ ._\\\__ / /_\\\ _/ . :: | / / _\ »»| _/ _/ / _\ »»| :: | / /╖ | \ \_ / | :: |___/ /::___________| \______/ /_____________| :: ╖ /______\:: tG°| | \ / :: _\ :: | _ ___|____ _\/______ _ _____ _::____ _ \ __ ______::___________|_\\\___ \ /_____ _\\\____)_.\ ╖___///_. \\/ ::| _/ \_ // /// | \______ | \ Arouses:Your Senses | \_ _/ / _/ | . / | \::| |_____\______\ \_ |_::_______| » »_\»»»»»»::»»»»»»»»»»»|______| \______/»»»»»»»»» :: \ :: :: \ \ ª ! ª / / _\.\ \. . \ \.__ _ ___ _ -<╖ ½░╗ ╖>- _ ___ _ __./ / . ./ /_./_ \ »\ \»»»» »»\ \ ª ª / /»» »»»»/ / zNe/ ╖ \ / ╖ ª /\ \ /\ /\. /\ / /\ ª ª: / \/\ \ / \ / | / \ / / \ :ª ª: / /\ \ \ / /\\ / | . »»»» . / /\\ :ª ª:/ / / \ / »» \ / | ║ /»»»»»»\ / / » :ª ª/ ╖-╖ ╖-╖ / ╖-----╖ / |/ \ / \ / / _ª / /\ \ / / |»\ / / \ / \ / ╖ | \ / / \ \ / »»»»»»' \ / \ / \ / »»»»»»' \ »» »»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»»» ª╖:╖╖╖╖╖╖╖:╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖½░╗╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖ : ╖╖╖╖╖╖╖ª __!_______:________________________!__________________________::_______!_ _:\ :: :: /:_ |» Re|eased:At Assemb|y 98 He|d In He|sinki, Fin|and / 7th - 9th August »| | .. .... :: :: | | :::::::: Our Entry To The Amiga Demo Competition :: | | :::::::: :: .... .. | | : : : : R ╖ E ╖ L ╖ I ╖ C :::::::: | | : : : : :::::::: | | :::..::: : : : : | | :::::::: Hardware Requirements: 68020+ Processor : : : : | | :::::::: AGA Capabi|ity :::..::: | | :::::::: :::::::: | | :╖:╖╖:╖: Memory Requirements: 6000Kb FAST Mem :::::::: | | :::::::: 1700Kb CHIP Mem :::::::: | | :::::::: :╖:╖╖:╖: | | :::::::: Coding: Sch|ott :::::::: | | : : : : Visua|s: Meson :::::::: | | : : : : Audio: Ganja :::::::: | | :::..::: Picture: Wade : : : : | | .::╖::╖::. Main Design: Schlott & Meson : : : : | | Additional Design: Halflob & zONE :::..::: | | .::╖::╖::. | | .-------------. | | ╗╗ THE CONCEPT `╖----------------------------------------------╗ | | ª:---------------'╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖:ª | | | | He had saved humanity from God's wrath and the great deluge in | | ages past. In 10,191 AD, mankind's saviour returned from the | | safety of his immortal astral plane to deliver us once more. | | The Relic he had secreted on Earth which had remained dormant | | for aeons was finally revealed but at the expense of his | | perpetuity. The ancient mariner had saved the chosen people | | and shipped them to a better place at the expense of his own | | immortality and the remainder of the human race. | | | | ª:╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖:ª | | `--------------------------------------------------------------' | | | | Relic was designed for the scene. In a time when sceners complain | | about modern demos lacking design, Nerve Axis decided to design a | | demo to relate an integral story from start to finish. | | | | We hope you appreciate the months of design effort which went into | | this production. Relic comprises 33,495 lines of assembly code. | | | | This demo was designed to be shown at its best on an AGA Amiga | | equipped with a 68060 processor. We make no apo|ogies for this demo | | running |ike a dog on an Amiga 1200/020 - if the Amiga scene doesn't | | move with the times then it will surely become extinct, a distant | | memory of times passed. If you love the scene and you love your | | Amiga.... Upgrade. | | | | To run this demo unpack the archive to a location of your choice and | | then run the Relic executable. Ensure that the Relic.dat file is in | | the same directory. No assigns are needed. Relic performs best | | when run from a fast hard drive - slow hard drives may interfere | | slightly with the demo timing. If you have 16MB of FAST ram or more | | why not run it from there? Failing that, we suggest that you simply | | type "addbuffers <device name> 200" in a shell before running the | | demo which should improve your hard drive loading speed. | | | | Relic has two command line options which may be passed to it at | | runtime. Listed below are the command line option functions: | | | | Snapshot - IFF snapshots can be taken of all 2x2 parts of the | | demo with a right mouse button click if this option | | is supplied at runtime. The snapshots will be saved | | to ram and named sequentially, starting at | | 'snapshot00.ham8'. The snapshots are 640 x 98 | | pixels - If you use snapshots from Relic in your | | disk magazine please ensure that you scale them to | | 160 x 98 so they are displayed in the correct | | aspect ratio. Up to 99 snapshots can be taken every | | time the demo is run. Please note that the 1x1 | | parts of the demo do not snapshot. | | | | Hires - Relic will be run in hires mode in a small window | | instead of the usual 2x2 mode. | | | | | | | | ≈ Nerve Axis Maximum Respects Fly Out To ≈ | | | | Babbage ╖ Niká╖ Nexusá╖ Zipzippy ╖ Aceá╖ Demolee ╖áiCON | | Beccy ╖ Prodigy ╖ Melomaniac ╖ Duken ╖ Mentat ╖ Estrayk | | Rendall ╖ THP ╖ SIXPACk ╖ Jazz ╖ mOP ╖ Kuu ╖áKaosmaster | | Fishwave ╖ mrC ╖ gdm ╖ leunam ╖ Kryten ╖ mADbART ╖ Nork | | Excel ╖ hatfield ╖ Antibyte ╖ Azazel ╖ Devistator ╖ Axe | á| Alive ╖ Squidge ╖áHotwire ╖ Notman ╖ GHANDY ╖ Mod3m | | | | | | | | We are a|ways |ooking for high qua|ity sceners to join us | | especia||y good artists. You can contact us via emai| or irc at | | the fo|lowing locations: | | .. .... .. | | :::::::: | | IRC: #NVX - #AMIGASCNE :::::::: | | : : : : | | EMai|: Schlott - : : : : | | Meson - :::..::: | | Ganja - :::::::: | | Zone - :╖:╖╖:╖: | | Crash - :::::::: | | :::::::: | | Or check out our homepage at: :::::::: | | : : : : | | : : : : | | :::..::: | | .::╖::╖::. | _|_ ╖ Nerve Axis - Sustaining The UK Scene _|_ :/_ _\ __________________________________________________________________\: _\ __ _____________________________________ _ \\/ \ The Men Responsib|e For Nerve Axis \ _\ Zone ≈ Crash ≈ Schlott ≈ MeSoN ≈ Ganja ≈ Wade \ ≈ Venom ≈ TANGo ≈ Jam ≈ Spoon ╖ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _ __________ _\\\ / ½╖Nerve Axis╖╗ _ ____\____ __/______ .__\\\_ / \ /_____ _ | / / /\_ // /// | / /\ /_/ / _/ tG°|___/ / \ / \______\ \_ -╖------/______\---\/----------\______/---╖- Released At Assembly 98 - RELIC Their Entry To The Amiga Demo Competition -╖----------------------------------------╖- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _._ _ _ _ _._ [EOf] \|/ bACK ONCE AGAIN WI|H |HOSE b|OCK ROCKIN' bEA|S \|/ [EOf] : :
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