Dataworld by Infect [web]
Short: DATAWORLD - Main files (important!) Author: (Smack/Infect) Uploader: (Smack/Infect) Type: demo/tp95 This archive contains the anim player program and some other files. You can install Dataworld partially (you don∩t have to download all the 65MB of animations). DATAWORLD by WK-Artworks and Infect Animations created by WK-Artworks Player programmed by WK-Artworks and Smack/Infect Music composed by DJ Mellow Noise/Infect won 2nd prize in the 'WiLD Demo' competition at The Party 95 in Fredericia/DK requires -AGA machine with 4MB FastRAM -80MB Hard Disk space -math#?.library -xpkmaster.library and FAST compressor
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