
Twine by Abacu's Bandits Company

                        ▄▄▄█▀▀█▀▀█▄▄▄    ▄▄█▀▀▀▀▀█▄▄
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                      -=≡ Abacu's Bandits Company ≡=-



                      a 4k intro for Scenest '97 party

 Hardware requirements: ∙ 80386 or better
                        ∙ 80387
                        ∙ VGA compatible card

 Software requirements: ∙ DOS 5.0 or higher
                        ∙ ONLY Himem.sys

 Memory usage:          ∙ 64Kbytes of base memory
                        ∙ 64Kbytes of video memory

 Recommended hardware:  ∙ Cx486DX2-66
                        ∙ VLB or PCI VGA card

 Credits:               ∙ Code: B1B

Released at Scenest Party on 5th April 1997, Hungary