I Want to Believe by Primitive [web]
I Want to Believe. or do i? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - this is our contribution to asm'98 democompo. it lacks all the wonderful finishing touches. code (timings, etc) sucks and all. or maybe not. depends. it is very very unoptimized and unstable too, in another words it's crap. for bugfixes/something, visit www.dlc.fi/~tnt/primitive send your sandwiches to tnt@dlc.fi demo thingamajig made in abt. 20hrs. ideal bogus-device: 486/100/fpu/gus(1mb)/few megs of ram might suck on faster ones (slower ones as well). our very first one. hope it works, honey. we are in quite a hurry right now. stop. sayonara updated 08.aug.1998, 20:13 EET
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