
Splash by Spreadpoint [web]

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                                  S P L A S H

                          Release date   July 5, 2024
                         Release party   Nordlicht

                            Production   Intro

                                  Code   Mike
                                   Gfx   Mike, Grampa
                             Animation   Grampa
                                 Music   Paul van der Valk (RIP)

                                System   Amiga
                          Requirements   Motorola 68000 CPU
                                         Original chip set (OCS)
                                         512 kB RAM

   It must have been towards the end of 1989 when Mike (co-founder of
   Spreadpoint) came up with an idea for a new intro. At some point in 1990,
   a preview version with the following information and the name Splash
   (sometimes also called Splitsh) was passed around within Spreadpoint.

                This is a PRE-Version !!!!!

                Do not copy, do not use, do not spread !!!!

                Enjoy it and wait for the final Version.

                The final Version will be a real time zooming !!

   Unfortunately, Splash was never completed and released. The preview
   version remained, which was now found on a disk from Tilt (Spreadpoint)
   after more than 30 years. And this was only thanks to the tireless efforts
   of Curt Cool (Depth^Nah-Kolor), who dumped disks from Tilt at Revision
   2024. Thank you very much Curt Cool!

   We are now happy to share this discovery exclusively with you at 
   NORDLICHT 2024.

   The historians at Spreadpoint can still remember: Splash was a humorous
   dig at the effusion drop.

   The intro is a bit bitchy at times. Please move the mouse pointer over
   the whole screen if it doesn't start.

                           Visit www.spreadpoint.net

                             WE ARE INTERGALACTIC
                                JOIN THE POWER
                                   (C) 2024