
New epoqe by epoqe [web]

                              ΓûêΓûä ΓÇâΓûêΓûÇΓûÇΓÇâΓûêΓûäΓûêΓÇâΓûÇΓûÇΓûê ΓÇâΓûäΓûê                               
                             Here's our new logo!                               
           Our old logo was brought up pretty quickly for our first             
            release and we got dissatisfied with it after a while,              
              but couldn't really come up with a worthy new one.                
         On the way home from last year's evoke, we finally had an idea         
            we could all agree on, based on an art deco wall light.             
             After tweaking a while and letting it rest to see if we            
                still liked it, we now feel ready to release it.                
                   Don't worry, this logo is here to stay :)                    
                          NinjaKoala [Code, Graphics]