Inércia 2022 Invite Recode by inérciaProductions [web]
# Inércia 2022 Invite Recode A quick contribution for [Processing Community Day 2023]( from behalf of [Inércia Productions]( []( ## What is it? A recode in [Processing]( of the [512b Pico-8 effect]( originally submitted to the [Pico-8 1k Jam 2022](, made for the purpose of inviting Pico-8 developers to participate at Inércia Demoparty 2022 (and on it's [Fantasy Console 512b competition]( in particular). ## Why? Just wanted to reach out to all those Processing creative coders out there and let them know we welcome them to participate more actively at future demoscene events. Such as... you guessed it: Inércia Demoparty! You can find out more about Associação Inércia and all the things we organize in Portugal promoting the demoscene at our website: ## Who? code and text by [ps]( music by mrsbeanbag (winner of the [Freestyle Music Competition at Inércia Demoparty 2022]( ## Abstract A recode in Processing of the 512b Pico-8 effect originally submitted to the Pico-8 1k Jam 2022 with the purpose of inviting Pico-8 developers to participate at Inércia Demoparty 2022 (and on it's Fantasy Console 512b competition in particular). Now recoded for Processing with the purpose of inviting Processing developers to participate at Inércia Demoparty 2023. Made in a couple of evenings, harnessing 25 years experience with creative coding to make a traditional pixelated xor effect with a funky disco theme to it. Because demoscene exists in Portugal and would love to see more participation from other digital arts communities with overlapping interests. ## How it relates to the theme RECODE The project is a recode of a previously made effect of mine. Repurposing the original concept and linking back to the origins of creative coding and appealing to the reconnect of it's active scene.
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