
LyLoBy by 42Bastian [web]

LyLoBy - LYnx - LOveBYte Intro
Compo: Low-end 256 byte
Platform: Atari Lynx (Emulator will do, but does not look correct)
Size: 248 (max. is 249 for Lynx boot sector)
Language: Python 4.2 :-)
Author/Group: 42Bastian
Release: L<3vebyte Party 2021
lyloby.lnx - Ready for handy or mednafen or to be flashed
lyloby.bin - raw bootsector, no header, padded to 249 bytes
lyloby.mp4 - Short video
lyloby.hex/pdf/odt - Hex display of code
This demo uses HBL for sky and 3 sprites.

Source will be published on https://github.com/42Bastian/lynx_hacking