
2B or not 2B by RMDA [web]

█  HEAR & OBEY !!!  █░░

"2B or not 2B" is the great modern environment of intro creation and launch! :)

 the latest development of artificial and the best human intelligence
 high-performance non-isolated hardware virtualization with no bugs
 automatic system for checking the correctness and size of the code
 command line processing with generation of up to 4.25∙10^37 intros
 ideal for tiny intros up to 125 bytes in size (+3 predefined bytes)
 completely free (at least until 3030 A.D.)

And the last but not the least...
The size of the full-featured environment is only... 2 bytes 
Yeah, its size is really only TWO fucking bytes!!!

Just try it... and enjoy all of its unbelievable features ;)

(c) 2020 / ShakeSpirt / RMDA
russkie idut... 


The trick is that you should to create a batch file to run 2b.com with the code
in command line, which will be executed from offset $82 instead of usual $100.

There are some features of such code:
- the maximal main code size is 125 bytes max (128 bytes of .bat file)
- you should avoid using chars '<', '>', '|', '&', '%', '^' and 0...$1F
- the next char after code is $0D (CR), also 'jmp short $82' is at offset $100

Use '2b.draft.asm' (or '2b.draft44.asm' if you want to use only manually typing
chars) as a template (2b.check.inc and 2b.debug.inc are needed too).
Examine examples '2b_note.asm', '2b_life.asm', '2b_snow.asm' & '2b_hello.asm'.

Good luck and fun! ;)