
1st Intro by Paralaxy Inc.

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	║   -=Bert=-  | Gombos Bertalan    |  FOUNDER, Coder, Swapper ║
	║ -=Archie=-  | Beszédes Årpád	   |  Musician		      ║

		    ■■■   We are presenting ² U our   ■■■

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		    --- Released at Cache '94 Pardey ---
		  ---- 1994.03.13. Kecskemét, Hungary ----

  1st Intro requires :
  - fast 386
  - fast VGA card
  - GUS, SBPro, SB or D/A sound card
  - 500 K Free of Conventional Memory

  We have used the following configuration :
  - 486DX²66
  - Tseng ET-4000 VLB
  - GUS

  If U want ² contact us & if U can, please send us an E-Mail :

  - -=Bert=- : jzp2106@jatevm.bke.hu
  - -Archie- : jzp2124@jatevm.bke.hu

	  T H A N K   Y O U   F O R   Y O U R	A T T E N T I O N   ! ! !