
Lost Journeyman Project

.____                   __    
|    |    ____  _______/  |_  
|    |   /  _ \/  ___/\   __\ 
|    |__(  <_> )___ \  |  |   
|_______ \____/____  > |__|   
        \/         \/         
    |    | ____  __ _________  ____   ____ ___.__. _____ _____    ____   
    |    |/  _ \|  |  \_  __ \/    \_/ __ <   |  |/     \\__  \  /    \  
/\__|    (  <_> )  |  /|  | \/   |  \  ___/\___  |  Y Y  \/ __ \|   |  \ 
\________|\____/|____/ |__|  |___|  /\___  > ____|__|_|  (____  /___|  / 
                                  \/     \/\/          \/     \/     \/  
__________                   __               __   
\______   \_______  ____    |__| ____   _____/  |_ 
 |     ___/\_  __ \/  _ \   |  |/ __ \_/ ___\   __\
 |    |     |  | \(  <_> )  |  \  ___/\  \___|  |  
 |____|     |__|   \____/\__|  |\___  >\___  >__|  
                        \______|    \/     \/      

First Demo in after nearly a decade in the scene. "Ain't I a stinker"

To run start one of the .bat files you want or simply run Demoscene.exe

Demoscene.exe runs with 1280x720 without fullscreen at default, 
it takes "-X [num]", "-Y [num]" and "-FS" as input. 


Deus (with shouthouts to Kusma and Etay Meiri(ogldev) for design ideas 
and in certain cases uses of bases classes(liscences have been given due compliance) 
Rest are amalgamation and pure madness from my part since 2008)
Source can be located at https://github.com/deus101/DemoEngine
Code 3rd Party:

Gnu Rocket by Kusma
math3d.cpp from OpenGL SuperBible Fourth Edition
FreeImage http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/
BASS by Unseen developments.

P38.obj by Bazze(Anders Lejczak) with permission
Shitty.obj by Deus
Amazing Fireworks(remix) by Gibs with permission
Melody by Bit-Arts

Recommended HW requirements(basically my rig)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 / 2.53 GHz

Opengl 3.3 core or above required

Fuck ups:

Tons of things I woulda done/adjusted(or simply forgot) in the scene but party coding blows.
If you disscount the deferred lighting there is only one effect in the entire demo 
and fixing the displacement of the circle expansion was attempted 40 min before deadline.
Getting it to work properly is entirely up to how fast the GPU fills the gbuffer, so a lower resolution

The out of place fighter plane was put there because I wanted my money's worth from the Obj loader I wrote
and I'm looking for a job.

Royal fuckup:
I was told to forget creating an "Infastructure/engine" before releasing demoes and I did not listen.
I have plenty of reasons why it took so long both technical and personal ones, but crux of the matter is discipline.

A couple of months ago I got my circumstances improved and I gained the ability to work more rigorusly every weekend,
most of the vital improvements was done in the scope of a few months.

Incredibly most of the stuff I slaved over was red herrings to(figures).

If you feel like it please post any comments/bitching/incredulity on my github issue page, im done coding in a vacuum.

Viktigste er σ delta.