SpeedBall by Kabuto Factory [web]
-= SPEEDBALL =- ============================== -ESPA╤OL- Conversion realizada para el 1er. Concurso de Conversiones de Recreativas Espa±olas para Spectrum, organizado por el blog "El rincon del Spectrum", basada en la recreativa del mismo nombre lanzada en 1987 por Tecfri. Teclas: Q - Petaco izquierdo P - Petaco derecho S - Empuja la bola hacia arriba. Si abusas, puedes hacer falta e inhabilitar los petacos Creditos: Arcade original desarrollado por Tecfri S.A. Codigo, graficos y musica (Spectrum) - Baron Ashler Graficos y musica (C64) - Baron Ashler Versi≤n C64 desarrollada con "Pinball Construction Set" "SpeedBall" (c) 1987 Tecfri. Spectrum and C64 conversions (c) 2014 Kabuto Factory. "Pinball Constructions Set" (c) 1984 Electronic Arts. -ENGLISH- Conversion made for the 1st Spanish Arcade Conversion Contest for Spectrum, hosted by "El rincon del Spectrum" blog, based on the same-named coin-op released by Tecfri on 1987. Controls: Q - Left flipper P - Right flipper S - Push up the ball. If you abuse, then you make tilt and flippers will be inoperative Credits: Original Coin-op developed by Tecfri S.A. Code, graphics and music (Spectrum) - Baron Ashler Graphics and music (C64) - Baron Ashler C64 version authored with "Pinball Construction Set" "SpeedBall" (c) 1987 Tecfri. Spectrum and C64 conversions (c) 2014 Kabuto Factory. "Pinball Constructions Set" (c) 1984 Electronic Arts.
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