
New Years Disc 2014 by PPS

New Years Disc 2014

Happy New 2014 to everybody!

Another year has passed on the fly. So it's time for another edition of the NYD.
As always I was curious, what and if will get into my mail. Also I did something for myselves.
Sad enough I got ill this time during the days, I traditionaly do the coding stuff. But at least
one little thing is ready for presentation. This time my son got iinto his first 'coding session'
and as a proud dad I can show you his little code :)

Now let's have a look what's on the discs and who wants to send you some little New Years cheers!

NYD2014 Disc 1 - multidisc
Happy 2014				by PPs
Twisthorizontal				by DESIRE
Countdown (animation, 128kB+)		by miker
Happy New Year (animation)		by miker
Merry X-mas				by my son Tim
Hey Mummy				by ming
How deep is your love			by Paul Lay

NYD2014 Disc 2 - multidisc
Lunar Blitz				by Cosine
Samba Gone Bad (parental)		by Sikor & miker
Xenon Song #3				by tzeb
Bob the Snake				by MaPa
Last Glance				by ming
Happy New 2014 Year			by Sikor & miker
X:8 New Years Intro			by Xuel & JosΘ Pereira & STE'86 & TMR

NYD2014 Disc 3 - Caveblaster
Caveblaster				by Rockford

Now have fun watching and playing!

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