
sunburnt by The Hullkort Masters

| |  | | |/ /  \/  |                          | |                    | |  
| |__| | ' /| \  / |  ______   ___ _   _ _ __ | |__  _   _ _ __ _ __ | |_ 
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|_|  |_|_|\_\_|  |_|          |___/\__,_|_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|_|  |_| |_|\__|

Description: A Hullkort Masters demo for Solkogen 2008.

Grapics: znora
Coding: znora
Music: eladamri

Txt: Better late than never. Her is (finally) a bugfree, up and running
version of sunburnt. The party version was buggy, and was only shown in
the wild compo. I am still quite pleased with the result, The design is
non-existent due to the lack of a real graphician. The rest is the best
I have done so far and a long step up for Hullkort Masters. Great
thanks goes to eladamri that stepped in and did a quick track for me.
I could not have done this without you.

how to: If you are running on 32-bit linux:
		./sunburnt			or
		./sunburnt 1600 1200		if you are feally cool
	if you are running on 64-bit linux:
		./sunburnt-64bit		or
		./sunburnt-64bit 1600 1200	if you are feally cool

It might be possible to run the 32-bit release on a 64-bit system.
The only constraint is thelinking against 32-bit versions of the libs.
Installing these would help, but why would you do that when there is a
64-bit executable?

	Hardware: A graphics card with support for openGL 2.0, vertex
		and fragment shaders.
	Software:	-Linux
			-stuff you allready have: GL, GLU, math, GLEW

Contact: If your system have the requiered software and hardware, and
	still does crash, please let me know. If you know a way to
	record demos on linux (fullscreen) without lag and framedrop,
	please let me know.
	my e-mail is: