
MonoMeno #70 by Da Jormas [web]

Short:    dA JoRMaS: MonoMeno #70
Author:   jormas@da.jormas.com (dA JoRMaS)
Uploader: vesuri@da.jormas.com (Vesuri/dA JoRMaS)
Type:     demo/sound
Requires: Any Amiga with 0.5Mb Chip Mem + 0.5Mb Other Mem

		 sTZ!.___  ____  ______ _______ ____ _____
		 ____|   \_\   \_\__   \\      \\__ \\   /__
		 \   |   _/     \  /  _/.  \/  /  _  \____  \
		  \______|______/__\____|__/  /___\___//____/
		 .------------------------/___\---------- - -
		 |  dA JoRMaS phuk it up with MonoMeno #70
                 |68000 ╖ OCS/ECS/AGA ╖ 0.5Mb Chip/0.5Mb Fast

MonoMeno #70 does not support gfx cards. On OCS and ECS machines it always
runs in a PAL mode. The default behaviour on AGA machines is to run in a
PAL mode if the current screenmode is PAL, NTSC, or a gfx card mode and in
a VGA mode if the current screenmode is not PAL, NTSC, nor a gfx card
mode. This default behaviour can be changed using the VGA tooltype or
command line argument. Please note that the VGA mode is NOT available if
SetPatch has not been run!

There are two tooltypes / command line arguments:

JRm-MM70.eXE ?

LOOP: The intro loops until the user clicks the left mousebutton.
 VGA: The intro runs in a ╖ VGA mode IF the current screenmode is PAL, NTSC,
                            or a gfx card mode
                          ╖ PAL mode IF the current screenmode is not PAL,
                            NTSC, nor a gfx card mode

The VGA tooltype / command line argument has no effect on OCS and ECS

: Code                        Vesuri :: Modulename             Gettin' Wet :
: Graphics           PiirakkaMunalla :: Modulelength                322098 :
: Music                         Naks :: Playtime                     5"46' :
: Style                       Techno :: BPM                            140 :

:                            dA JoRMaS in the net                          :
: dA JoRMaS Home Page                               http://www.jormas.com/ :
: dA JoRMaS E-Mail                                    jormas@da.jormas.com :
: dA JoRMaS Productions              any Aminet site, demo/sound directory :
: dA JoRMaS Modules                  any Aminet site, mods/jorma directory :

:                           dA JoRMaS' Boards:                             :
: Status : Boardname            : Nodes : Sysop      : IP address          :
: WHQ    : Juju                 :   n   : wREC       : fINDiT!             :
: FinHQ  : Dying Degree         : down! : Carnifex   : down!               :
: PHQ    : dAsECT!              :   1   : mADbART    : varies              :
: GHQ    : Los Endos            :   4   : Exon       : varies              :
: SwHQ   : Dial Hard            :   5   : Fury       : varies              :
: NHQ    : Genetic Waste        :   1   : Magz       : varies              :
: UKHQ   : Permanent Vacation   :   n   : Mic Flair  : varies              :
: DHQ    : Atmosphere           :   n   : Delite     :                     :
: HkiHQ    Bermuda Triangle     :   1   : Kurpitza   :                     :