Unreadable by The CoExistence [web]
program Unreadable_Infofile; uses dos,crt,graph; const Personal_Greetings:array[1..17] of string= ('alpha / Legend Design', 'Barti / Nooon', 'Brian / Legend Design', 'Chicken / S!P', 'DOJ / Cubic Team', 'gloc / Soft Ones', '?Hook / Cubic Team', 'Jare / Iguana', 'JCAB / Iguana', 'Medicus / KLF', 'Pascal / Cubic Team', 'Peachy / Masque', 'RadMan / ACiD', 'rok / KLF', 'Sam / Imphobia', 'Scholar / $een', 'Tasmaniac / ACiD'); Group_Greetings:array[0..61] of char= 'ACiDBlankCubicTeamIguanaKLFLegendDesignMasqueSymptomXography $'; { Hups, fixing ... we almost forgot greetings to FUNK !!! } SuperIntelligent:array[0..19] of byte= (14,09,60,13,50,22,37,55,16,49,43,05,56,49,34,41,60,46,50,43); begin { Attention! This intro is still under construction! For the experiencend users the sourcecode is included. Please send updates asap to eagle@uni-paderborn.de!!! } asm mov bx,seg @data mov ah,00001001b mov dx,offset Group_Greetings mov ds,bx int 33 end; { If you have any idea of what is to do with the SuperIntelligent-Array, send us a mail please! } asm db $b4,$4c,$cd,$21 end; writeln ('Unreadable has been created during total absence of brain'); writeln ('and intelligence. This is a totally unoptimized version'); writeln ('for the TP5 PC intro competition. Please stay tuned for'); writeln ('a final version comming sooner or later ;-)'); asm db $b4,$4c,$cd,$21 end; exec ('tc_unrea.exe',''); end.
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