42 by Halcyon
42 An intro for Assembly'94 (C) 1994 by Halcyon 42 is our contribution to Assembly'94 introcompetition. It's our first intro, so we don't expect anything. We have been making 42 about one or two months, 'coz we are so lazy and we have couple of another projects too. Well, you can read more about Halcyon from HALCYON!.NFO, which came with this package. 42 requires atleast 386sx and 100% compatible VGA to work. It doesn't require lots of memory (200kb or something) and it can be run with any memory managers (atleast QEMM, HIMEM or EMM386). You might be wondering why we support only GUS altought we are using DSMI. The reason is that DSMI is so big, that with all soundcards and module formats it uses 38kb!! (And that's packed) But with GUS and AMF it uses around 14kb (packed), so as you can see, DSMI is quite useless in 64kb intros! If you are wondering why this intro is SOOOOOO SLOW, consider that it has been compiled with BorlandPascal70.. Oh yes, this intro supports >>DOLBY STEREO<< (atleast I think so) If we win some money with this intro, we'll give them to charity! (yeah, sure!) Well, I think this is about as much bullshit as anybody can take, so I finish this text now.. -\> Blitz / Halcyon</-
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