
time zone + 13:00 by Eufrosyne

 credits     │ coding and design by suckho, graphics, design and
             │ end music by duke, music by dune / orange.
 general     │ this production was released at juhla IVb in raahe,
 information │ finland, 7-.9.3.1997. whole demo, except voxel routine,
             │ was made in two weeks, so it is what it is. however, i
             │ am quite satisfied with this demo and hope that you
             │ like it too. jee.
 technical   │ this production is designed for fast machines. in this
 information │ case fast machine means computer with 120MHz pentium  
             │ processor. you can run this production also on slower
             │ computers, but then animation will not be smooth. we     
             │ have used midas sound system, so you can choose any 
             │ sound card that midas supports. if this demo doesn't
             │ work, try to boot your computer with only himem.sys.
 special     │ dune / orange for music, sahara surfers for midas
 thanks      │ sound system, dice & damaq / doomsday for textures,
             │ tran for pmode/w.
 greetings   │ revelation, mass, paragon, doomsday, tribute, panic,
             │ amour, mooze, cncd, cool productions, zenon, halcyon,
             │ orange, wunderbaum, byterapers, pwp, parallax.
 other frs   │ FRS_DVOL.ZIP - disco volante, 64kb intro 2nd at juhla pi
 productions │ FRS_BLND.ZIP - blind, 64kb intro 1st at assembly'96
             │ FRS_BLFN.ZIP - the final version of blind               
             │ FRS_TONE.ZIP - tone, demo 15th at the party 6
             │ FRS_GBBA.ZIP - gabba gabba hey, demo 4th at democracy'97
 contacts    │ saku tiainen [suckho]    tomi korkalainen [duke]
             │ kellotarhantie 5         kirkkotie 21
             │ 70460 kuopio             72100 karttula
             │ finland                  finland
             │ gaia bbs +358-17-2624311 [eufrosyne whq]
 end words   │ bahahahahaaaaa. hu?