
Toy-Man by T.O.Y.S. [web]

*					        *
*		TOY-MAN	v 1.0₧		        *
*					        *

	         ╜1996 PeyloW of T.O.Y.S.

This software is shareware. If you like it, then please do send me the
amount of money that you can afford. If you cant afford any money then
feel free to send something else.

This game was coded during the NAS convention -96 held in Gotemburg/
Sweden from the 14/6 -> 16/6.

Greetings and thanxs goes to hall I know and all who have helped me.
No one mentioned and no one forgotten.

Oh, by the way, you will need a RGB monitor or a TV set in order to run.
If you wanna destroy your VGA monitor, please do so, but I have WARNED

Till next time...

	PeyloW of T.O.Y.S.