fr-054: polar by Farbrausch [web]
farbrausch presents fr-54: polar ..featuring fashionbabe-josie :) code by dierk.chaos.ohlerich graphics by christoph.giZMo.muetze music remixed by tammo.kb.hinrichs original music by DJ Hell additional direction by thomas.fiver2.mahlke there are two unusual things about this demo: first, it is just 32 seconds long, which was a condition of the intel trailer competition where this demo participated in. a longer remixed version of "polar" is very likely to appear somewhen in the future. second: there is an interactive mode at the end of this demo. this became quite unusual nowadays despite its tradition from the early years of the scene. we figured out that a considerably great amount of fun in making demos is playing around with your creation, so why should we deprive our audience of this fun? oh!... of course all graphics were done in xsi, no poser stuff from farbrausch! and by the way, when the next big first person shooter features a revolutionary 360░ field of view, remember who invented it... ;) cheers, farbrausch
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