Rave the X-mas by Disk Busters Association
mm mm xx xx MMM MMM XX XX MM M MM XXX MM MM XX XX MM MM ERRY XX XX MAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR... That's what we hope for all Falcon users in the world. And also a happy new year for Atari self, but please don't let the Falcon owners/users out in the cold. I know that the Jaguar is a great machine, but keep on supporting the Falcon too !!!!!! And You reader, get writing and drawing for our next magazine because there isn't too much in already. We hope to get the new Falcon shell ready soon and then we want to release it as fast as possible. So send in your stuff to: Bonus Software or The D.B.A. P.O.box 343 P.O.box 506 8330 AH Steenwijk 9200 AM Drachten The Netherlands The Netherlands See you all next year Bye... The D.B.A.
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