Flatpack by Bobby Davro Snooker Experience [web]
Flatpack by Bobby Davro Snooker Experience Breakpoint 16/04/06 Code & design : parapete Music : syphus Requires: DirectX 9c Shader model 2 It's Sunday morning and I'm extremely tired, hungover and ANGRY! I (parapete) spent most of Saturday trying to fix bugs in this intro that only became apparent on the compo machine, which has an ATI card. Being that I don't have a computer with an ATI card to dev on I've pretty much failed, so this is version is very buggy. I will endeavour to make a final that works properly on ATI and has lower requirements (maybe)... Thanks to smash and statix for helping me out at the partyplace, to stingray and kalms for help getting the camera splines to look nice, and to rc55 for lending me headphones at the party. Greetings to everyone I know on the scene, and to everyone I don't!
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