
Entracte by EXA


         _________ ____    ____ _________ TM
        /Oo      //Oo  \  /    \\Oo      \_
       /         \\     \/     //         \\
      /        ___\\          //           \\
     /           \  \        //      /\     \\
    /        _____\ /        \\              \\
    \            \ /          \\    ____      \\
     \___________//     /\     \\__/  __\_____/ \
       \__________\____/  \____/ \\__/    \_____/ [nalF]
                    \____/  \____/

                                          29th of July, 1996.

   So we're still alive...

How to Run ε╞┼R'Å@Te:

   ENTRACTE runs on standard FALCON with RGB-TV monitors.

More about it:

   Musïc:    Chip Tune by -DJAMM-

   Graphïcs: David -FLAN- DELATTRE.
             Picture model: Dulcie (Thªnx!)

             3D objects designed on Falcon.

   Effects:  Mode7 part (GreEtinx part) part was coded by Ronan -ELENDIL-

             Intro, Phong, Z-buffer Gouraud shading, Soundtrack musics playing
             routs, and Loader were coded by Patrice -NEW FACE- LINDIVAT.

   All we did is available: Graphics, musics and code routs...EVERY routs use
   But you'll have to contact us first.


   Well, I stop blah-blah.

   We are absolutely NOT cyber! Sorry but you'll have to use that goOd old
   snail mail once again... Here are our adresses in FRANCE (XX), if you want
   to talk to us about biscuits, or whatever you think of...:

   To join coders: Patrice LINDIVAT (NEW FACE)
                   29 860 PLABENNEC
                   Tel:(XX) 98 07 88 67
                                                 Ronan CARDAUT (ELENDIL)
                                                 16, rue Pierre Corneille
                                                 29 000 QUIMPER
                                                 Tel:(XX) 98 55 07 44
     ... graphist: David DELATTRE (FLAN)
                   92, rue de Landrecies
                   59 288 PREUX au bois
                   Tel:(XX) 27 77 34 41
                   BBS: ADM-BOX (Germany)
                   BBS: HALUCINOGEN (France) Box:Flan

                                ... or musician: Djamm
                                                 148, rue de chaumont
                                                 60240 Blequencourt
                                                 tel:(XX) 44-08-83-21
                                                 Djamm is cyber ;)

NOTE: The coders, New Face and Elendil are both now looking for jobs as
      programmers! Of  course,  you're  welcome  if  you need them! (They use
      Assembly and C languages.)

NOTE2: This demo  is  "cooking  recipe-ware╛": If you like it, please send to
       Elendil a delicious recipe from your country! Thanx!

NOTE3: Contact us, especially if you live in: La Réunion, Tahiti or other
      exotic islands,... Iceland, Wales, Ireland, Scotland,... We are looking
      for a place where to spend our next holidays. And you're welcome to visit
      us in France héhé...

 - Nos amis brestois et quimperois: Stéphane, Sacha, David, Philippe, etc...
  - OxYrOn and all demoguys on Commodore 64! Argh! Very impressive!
   - All the people who work hard to keep Falcon a great computer.
    - Our families and friends who daily manage to support us!
     - Absence, Tscc and all cool german guys met at GIGAFUN!
      - Saturne Party 3, Brest'96 and Gigafun'96 organisers
       - Martina ... What about singing next time?
        - CENTEK team: Great job!
         - Pentagon team.
          - Mysfits.

   - Cherries, except last time when 5 really mad cows ran against us!
   - Raspberries... We are always hungry people you know.
   - SPECULOOS╛ biscuits (To-die-for Belgian biscuits!) and EKU 28┐ beer.
   - William Gibson universe.
   - Björk, Autour de Lucie, Senser, The Prodigy, Kristin Hersch, Bel canto.
   - Nice demos...
   - Sea, sun, ...
   - Teddies,...

You can copy ENTRACTE as long as NO PROFIT is made with it,
and only if original files are left untouched and spread together.

It is neither allowed to put the demo in any PD-collection or CD's,nor to
spread in commercial BBS or ftp-sites without asking the authors.
If you want to put the demo on your CD or PD-collection, contact us.
                  o                         Au Revoir !
              ç@@╠                          EXA.
                                            Mens Sana -?- in Corpore Sano.
                                            Anno Domini 1996.