
xa-003: Midsummer by xAngle [web]

                                xa-003: Midsummer
                            Party release, 2004-06-26
Concept and code was created by trejs and danter of xAngle, graphics where made
by danter/xAngle and the music was composed by jallabert/TJC. This is our
third demo, and the second one at Remedy.

The xAngle Crew: http://xangle.cjb.net
Jallabert:       http://jallabert.suger.se
TJC:             http://jallabert.suger.se/tjc
Unixscene:       http://unixscene.kameli.net

Running xa-003 on GNU/Linux
Run xa-003 by entering linux, 'cd linux', and typing './xa-003-midsummer'. If
that does not work, try './xa-003-midsummer-nogtk'.

Running xa-003 on Windows
Run xa-003.exe in the "win32" directory.

The xAngle Crew
Name:             Nick:       Contrib:
Anders Asplund    danter      Code, Graphics
Joakim Kolsj÷     trejs       Code

Other people
Name:             Nick:       Contrib:
Tony Granath      Jallabert   Music