Mystery by Phase Truce
----------------------------- Mystery by Phase Truce ----------------------------- 64 kb intro for intro competition at GRAVITY 3 ----------------------------- Code..........Ace/Phase Truce Gfx....Copper/Appendix^Absurd Gfx...........Kro/Phase Truce Msx...........Kro/Phase Truce ----------------------------- Requirements: »»»»»»»»»»»»» a12oo,o2o,4mb fastram but please run this intro at least on mc68o4o/4o for better speed... !!! Important !!! »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Please run this intro WITHOUT VBR in fast memory. This must be in CHIP MEMORY !!!. Better please execute before this intro only CPU CACHE and run this intro...
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