
Fish by Technomancer

                   ▄█████████                   ▐██ tcm
                  ▄█████████▀ ▄██    ▄███████   ██▌
                  ███         ██▀   ██▀        ▐██
                  ███              ██          ▐██
               ▄▄█████████   ██    ▀███████▄   ▐████████▄
              ███████████▀   ███         ▀██▄  ▐██▀▀▀▀▀███
                  ███        ███           ██  ███      ██▌
                  ███        ███         ▄██▀ ▐██▌     ▐██
                  ███        ▀██   ████████▀  ███      ██

             Copyright by Technomancer and Moonlighter 1995

               Released in Bydgoszcz, Poland at 29th July

█▄▀█  Legal stuff
█  █  ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

 "us" and "we" are Technomancer and Moonlighter
 "this intro" means "Fish", an awesome intro by us

 this intro is provided "as is" without any expressed or implied warranty of
 any kind. it doesnt seem to fit for any purpose so dont expect that too.

 in no way we cannot be make liable for any damages that are caused by this
 intro. you are using it at your own risk.

 (although we have tried to make "Fish" as safe as possible you'd better
 wear condom before touching keyboard.)

  copyright policy
 you can freely distribute and copy "Fish" provided that no fee is charged
 and files are unmodified. "Fish" cannot be sold on any cdrom collections or
 be subject of any trade without permission from us.

  █   System requirements
  █   ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

  a dos compatible system, with raw boot or himem.sys or emm386, qemm or other
 vcpi compliant memory manager. this intro doesnt work with some crappy systems
 like windoze or os/2 (tm and stuff).

  a vga or compatible grafix card. vlb or pci one will greatly improve

  well, a 386 or better cpu. fast 486 is strongly recommended. this intro will
 work even on 386sx25 but it wont amaze you then. it was developed on
 486dx2/80 and is meant to work on similiar system. i haven't bought 486 to
 code 386 stuff, right ?

  a bit of memory. actually about 550k of low memory and 1.5 meg free of high
 will do. one dude said it has worked on system with 2 megs of total memory.

  a soundblaster or compatible soundcard if you want music. sorry folks,
 still no gus support. i have just got gus (on monday) and today its
 weednesday so i really didnt have time to code gusplayer (although i have
 started). well, maybe i will finish it till friday.
 (uhh dont try mega-em or sbos, they wont help!)

  ▄▀  Credits
▄▀    ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
  are really simple

│ cpu control - Technomancer
           technomancer also have changed colours of several pixels, but
           he wouldn't call it grafix :)


 - Moonlighter

  ▄▀  Greetings
▄  █  ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
 Technomancer would like to greet following entities:
 (in no particular order)

 Adrar Design
 Cielik - mam nadzieje ze w przyszlym roku zaczepisz sie gdzies we wrocku,
  musimy sie kiedys jeszcze razem napic piwka.
 Ervin/Abaddon - i must send you my tweaker utility some day.
 JTX/Dark Legions - sorry za delay, chyba oddam ci dysk na party :) no ale
  jakbysmy sobie tak co tydzien dyski posylali to szybko bysmy wszystko
  z twardzieli wymienili, zbankrutowalibysmy na znaczki i znudzilobysie nam.
 Kwasior/Dark Legions
 Mikie Simmonds - i havent seen you or codepot lately on #coders, have you died
  or i am logging when you dont ? :)
 Musashi - no to sobie wypoczywaj gdzies tam z bobrami.
 Orange - you guys have awesome design in your prods. what are you on when you
  write them and where i can get it ?
 Otto Chrons - i wish dmp32 4.0 had worked in bakground and didnt hang :)
 Paradise - coz zesmy dawno nie gadali. ma nadzieje ze cos stworzysz na to
 Snoopy/Scope - spodziewalem sie chociarz (?chociaz?) kartki pocztowej po tym
  przekazie. mam nadzieje ze sie schlales za to :). czy ty w ogole ogladasz
  jakies produkcje na grzyba ?
 Teddy Boar/SH
 TheFear - (that dude from #coders) well, we didnt chat lately hope it will
 Unreal/S!P - no i co z tom grupom ? :)
 Warlock/Amnesty - przepraszam ze nie napisalem o tym texmappingu, postaram
  sie to nadrobic, ale podejrzewam ze juz sam to wykombinowales a po party
  to juz ci to na chuj bedzie.
 Welti - hello, i am awaiting for your next module. i have just got gus and
  soon i will start messing around with dcm.
 xToto/Valhalla - well it seems i have no $$$ to go to assembly this year,
  hope we will meet at the party 95, till december my finacial situation
  should change for better (i hope).
 Sandman/Valhalla -
 Oxide/Valhalla - (and all Valhalla crew) have fun at asm95 and kick asses
  with some production
 Zden - have you tried protected mode yet ?
 Zodiak/Cascada - i hope we will chat longer on #coders someday.

▄  ▄
█  █  Contact us ?
 ▀▀█  ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
 if you cannot imagine your further life without contacting us you can
 reach us at

■ Technomancer

 phone +48 (0 74) 54-07-78

 Dominik Behr
 ul. Mieszka Starego 23/5
 58-160 Swiebodzice

 email behr@ci-1.ci.pwr.wroc.pl (should be valid till they kick me out from
 university. i dont expect that to happen before summer of 1997)

 pleeze dont send me mail with faked stamps, i have enuf problems in life.
 also if you want fast and sure reply from me just send mail to my official
 mailswapper Kwasior:

 Grzegorz Kwasnik
 ul. Blankowa 34/8
 58-314 Walbrzych
 phone: +48 (0 72) 41-88-27

■ Moonlighter

 phone +48 (0 74) 54-17-01

 Michal Krumplewski
 ul. Chmielna 8
 58-160 Swiebodzice

 SURE, we accept donations, in any form.

█▄▄   Some lyrics from Technomancer
   █  ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

 uff, it seems the intro is finished. Moonlighter is finishing music and
i have some spare time so i'll write some stupid texts.

it was coded entirely in 32 bit protected mode. all effects are calculated

the intro uses my own dos extender and sb module replay routine. some
dudes asked about it so i dont know if i ever dare to release that stuff
bcoz i think it still needs lotsa work. besides i dont think that my crappy
extender is good thing to start coding in protected mode. it doesnt have
any documentation. at least it seems to be pretty stable and bug free.
irqs work like god meant them and i havent experienced any compatibility
problems. but if you encounter any let me know.

my sb player doesnt work on some sound galaxy soundcards. it seems to
have problems with initialization. it must be something weird with those
cards bcoz on every other card i have met it works ok. anyway, if you
run some stuff that uses soundblaster right before running my player it
should work ok. and if you buy me or lend me such card i will make a bug

trobleshooting on this intro   │ ┌──┐
                               └─┘  └──┐
this intro doesnt work because         └┐

■ you didnt turn on your machine
■ you use some weird multitasker
■ you have deleted it before running
■ you have run it on your grandma's powerfull PC XT machine
■ you have run it on your dad's mega cool PC AT 286 computer
■ you didnt wash your hands before touching keyboard
■ you have given wrong answers to questions about your soundcard IO port
  and IRQ level
■ your soundcard doesnt use dma channel 1
■ you have tried to start it from windoze
■ you have tried to start it from os/2 (tm)
■ you dont have enough memory, get rid of TSRs, disk caching programs
  and unnecesary drivers, try raw boot
■ your karma isnt good today, try again tomorrow

So long and thanks for all the fish...........................................