Spectrum by Ümlaüt Design [web]
$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ '?$$$$$ od$>. $$$$ $$$ oP" "$$: $$$ $$$$P"" ,$: , dP' " $$ $$, ;$: ?P" $, "b ,'"b ,$b $$ $$,,d$ $$ o$b :$b ,, d$: $ ?$ d' ?$ o$"$: $P $$$" ,o ?$ '?$$ $$ '$$. '$b, '$ $P ;$ .$P ;$' $ $; $$' $' '$, $$: $$: ?$: '$$o. :$,,d$' $$bodP' $: $ ?$ :$ $: ?$b $$b '$b '?$b d$$P" '$?$P' ;$ 'P :$: d$ ?$, $$ $'$. $$$ d' :$P $P ;$ ?$ ;$ $b :$; :$$ ?$$$ ?$ $$$$ $$ ,$$' $' ,$$ :$; :$; ;$ $$, $$, .d$$: :$$P $$. ,$P $$ ??o$$P ;$ :$$ ?$) ?$) $$ ?$> ?$oo$P?$, ?$: $$b$$' ?$, ?P" $$ $$$ " " " '"" "" "" ?$P '?$, '$' ;$$$ '$" .d$$$ a n $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ▄ ╖ M ╖ L ╖ A ╖ ▄ ╖ T $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ D ╖ E ╖ S ╖ I ╖ G ╖ N $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ p r o d u c t i o n $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ released at Function:03 / Hungary 24-26 | 10 | 2003 $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ the credits: $$$$$$$$ -------------- $$$$$$$$ GARGAJ $$$$$$$$ basic engine code $$$$$$$$ editor tool code $$$$$$$$ effect+postfilter code $$$$$$$$ concept $$$$$$$$ direction and synchronizing $$$$$$$$ additional design and graphics $$$$$$$$ music $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ MAALI $$$$$$$$ modelling $$$$$$$$ design $$$$$$$$ graphics $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ we used Bass, Zlib and UPX. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ special thanks for poison/singular for the ASCII. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ about: $$$$$$$$ -------- $$$$$$$$ those of you who know earlier ▄D-prods may have $$$$$$$$ noticed that this is not quite the way we used $$$$$$$$ to do stuff, not "hardcore-to-the-max". $$$$$$$$ this is intentional. the demo is still heavy, $$$$$$$$ but after all the brainless moshing, we kinda $$$$$$$$ figured that we should do some "cleaner", $$$$$$$$ more "mature" stuff as well. so here it is, $$$$$$$$ a heavyass goa-demo. we still will make some $$$$$$$$ hardcore prods in the future, but we felt like $$$$$$$$ doing something different this time. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ the demo should run quite comfily on a 600+ mhz cpu, $$$$$$$$ as for a videocard, i recommend a gf4ti, consider a $$$$$$$$ gf2 as a VERY minimum. not required tho. note that i $$$$$$$$ STRONGLY recommend either an FX or a radeon 9700... $$$$$$$$ soundcard also preferred. oh yeah and dx9. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ !!! IMPORTANT !!! $$$$$$$$ the demo NEEDS some free disk space. (around 300k) $$$$$$$$ sorry, i found no other way to load DLL-s other $$$$$$$$ than saving them to a file and loading them from $$$$$$$$ there. however if i would write my own PE-loader... $$$$$$$$ hm. later. :) $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ i found a weird bug when testing on a gf2, some polys $$$$$$$$ were flickering across the screen or so. i'm unsure $$$$$$$$ about the cause of this, but it looked ok on both a $$$$$$$$ gf3ti and a radeon9500, trying both HAL and REF $$$$$$$$ devices, so it might be a driver bug. $$$$$$$$ if you encounter this bug during the demo (it $$$$$$$$ appeared in the first scene), please contact me $$$$$$$$ with some details about the config, os and driver $$$$$$$$ versions. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ about the demo-system: $$$$$$$$ ------------------------ $$$$$$$$ the system itself was coded roughly in two $$$$$$$$ months from scratch, even though some code-design $$$$$$$$ elements were done a year ago when Conspiracy $$$$$$$$ was formed. the editor tool itself allows to $$$$$$$$ synchonize effects to the music in a $$$$$$$$ flash/demopaja-like way, but since the entire $$$$$$$$ system is based around plugins, you are still $$$$$$$$ able to code your effects the way you want to. $$$$$$$$ public availability is the thing i'm considering $$$$$$$$ now, but right now it's way too quirky and bugged $$$$$$$$ to spread it, but we're already having some $$$$$$$$ negotiations with certain other groups about $$$$$$$$ licensing it, so it may reach to a public state. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ greetings and thanks: $$$$$$$$ ----------------------- $$$$$$$$ insane amount of thanks to Fox/Starlight for all $$$$$$$$ code help. you rule dude! $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ the usual w00ts go to Skrebbel and Shadez, who $$$$$$$$ lent awesome moral support for me. \▄/ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ heaps of thanks to BoyC and Sampi for awesome $$$$$$$$ moral support. azer remelem compo _utan_ is $$$$$$$$ tetszeni fog :)) $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ kudos go to a lot of people. but they DO know $$$$$$$$ who they are. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ no greetings: $$$$$$$$ --------------- $$$$$$$$ i'm not really fond of sending fuckings to people, $$$$$$$$ but recent happenings on the hungarian "demoscene", $$$$$$$$ or rather some irc channels makes me feel the urge $$$$$$$$ to do so. it's not an irc-only flame, it's $$$$$$$$ something that was growing for a long $$$$$$$$ time now, and we decided to end it. I won't $$$$$$$$ mention names here, but I'd like to send some $$$$$$$$ assfucks to all the dungholes who disrespect other $$$$$$$$ peoples work without creating ANYTHING worth $$$$$$$$ just even mentioning. sure, call me lame. $$$$$$$$ call me lame for not using unix. $$$$$$$$ call me lame for not using standard libraries. $$$$$$$$ call me lame just because i prefer d3d over ogl. $$$$$$$$ call charlie lame for using an amiga. $$$$$$$$ call leon lame for getting drunk on parties. $$$$$$$$ call anyone lame without a basis. $$$$$$$$ do it. feel free. $$$$$$$$ but that won't save you from being a retarded $$$$$$$$ talentless fuck, and frankly, i don't give a shit $$$$$$$$ about that. $$$$$$$$ and that's why the rest of the active hungarian $$$$$$$$ demoscene left the channel #demoscene for good. $$$$$$$$ if you still want to find us, you'll know where to $$$$$$$$ search. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ contacts: $$$$$$$$ ----------- $$$$$$$$ http://umlaut.intro.hu $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ GARGAJ $$$$$$$$ gargaj(▄)freemail.hu $$$$$$$$ http://umlaut.intro.hu/~gargaj $$$$$$$$ MAALI $$$$$$$$ maali(▄)fuckhotmail.com $$$$$$$$ http://www.maali.tk $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $:$$$:$$ ------------------------------------------------------ $$$$$$$$ $$:$$$:$ this was an ⁿmlaⁿt design production in 2003 (c) $:$:$:$: :$:$:$:$ we are professionals. ::$:::$: don't try this at home. $:::$::: :::::::: :::::::: "gee, brain, what do you want to do tonight?" :.::.:.: "the same thing we do every night, pinky... .:.:.:.: get the demo finished 'till the deadline!" ........ ... ... . . . . . . . . . .
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