DMO by Bomb & Cocoon [web]
DMO party invitation Cocoon & Bomb Visuals : NTSC Logo : Made Music : Polyak Done with NOTCH The DMO party is a traditional on site demoparty taking place on 16 – 17 April 2022 The DMO party is a Satellite party of REVISION party ( ) It is focused on presenting productions relative to the Demoscene culture, including so-called "demo": real-time non interactive audio-visual demonstration on a variety of computer platforms. Compos As DMO Party is a Satellite party of REVISION party, all compos are organised by REVISION organisation team. Please refer to for detailed information about the competitions. Registration & Opening Hours Party will open at 10 am on Saturday 16 and will close after the compos on Sunday 17th If you stay till the end of the compos please find yourself a place to crash. The attendance fee for the 2 days is 45€ by participant. This prize includes the 2 days locations in a nice place ( see the location section ) + soft drink at the party place and Breakfast on Sunday morning. In order to register to the party Please send me a mail to DMOPARTY2022@GMAIL.COM All details will be sent to you Please note that the party place capacity is limited to 40 participants. First in first served guys. Go to the Party The party will take place in Inner Paris 500 m to Champs de Mars and Tour Eiffel. The party will take place at the IBIS HOTEL Paris Tour Eiffel located in Paris 15e 2 Rue Cambronne By Metro Station Cambronne ( Line 6) If you don’t know how to get to Paris…. Well I guess there is nothing we can do for you. Accommodation at the Party place : As the party is Hosted by IBIS HOTEL sleeping under you table will not be permitted. Please contact ( with DMO party in the email subject ) to book a room or book it to on any regular web site. Paris is a vivid city with many accommodation possibilities. Feel free to find a accommodation in the area. Alcohol at the party place Beer Is tolerated at the party place. Strong alcoholic brewages are not. However the Hotel has bar and restaurants. The whole area is also quite well equipped. Please don’t get heavily drunk at the party place (Kids are expected to attend the party). If you do we will be forced to kindly show you the way out.
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