
ZX Tribute: 40th Anniversary by .koval

                          --- Z X   T r i b u t e ---

                      [ 4 0 t h   A n n i v e r s a r y ]



                               ZX Spectrum 128kB


                     code ......................... .koval
                     graphics ..................... .koval
                     music ....................... -=DNK=-
                     v1.0 release date ........ 20.02.2022
                     v1.1 release date ........ 11.06.2022

                             [ What is it about? ]

   Hello, here is my tribute dentro for such lovely ZX Spectrum! The main
   message and greetings are packed into a demo itself, therefore not much
   to say here. But be prepared - it is really long read ;)

   Finally I have something contributed to ZX scene and now I got rid of the
   feeling, that I didn't finish something for such a great platform! ;)

   All the best, my friends! Take care and enjoy every moment of your life!

                                 [ Changelog ]

   v1.1 (11.06.2022)
   - Original Spectrum models compatibility (performance improvements)
   - Improved SPACE BAR polling for triggering "fullscreen" mode
   - Added 128K mode check
   - Splash animation for decrunching ad 128k mode check screens
   - Minor fixes

                            [ Thirdparty routines ]

             Pro Tracker v2.x (c) Golden Disk Corp / Phantom Family
                           ZX0 v2.2 (c) Einar Saukas