dawn by Icebird [web]
Dawn ==== Icebird, 1998 This should have been our contribution to the GameBoy '98 Competition - Phase II, but after we having finished it, we were told that the Competition was canceled. :( Anyway, we hope that you like our production... This demo should run on any decent GameBoy emulator as well as on the real hardware, although we were not able to test this. It has been tested and runs beautifully on the GameBoy emulator by Purple Monochichi on Acorn computers. It has also been tested and seems to run quite ok on the VGB emulator. Credits: -------- graphics : gizmo code : exoticorn (*) music : exoticorn This demo has been written on an Acorn A5000 using our own Xasm patch for the BBC Basic inline assembler. This patch is able to assemble Chip8, GameBoy and 6502 assembler and will (hopefully) be released to public in the near future... Greetings: ---------- Anders Granlund Arm'sTech BASS Darren Salt Dave Sharp DFI Expression Kulture Marvin MegaMan_X Moving Pixels The Xperience Topix + all Acorn users see you at Revelation '98 To contact us, write to: Dennis_Ranke @ hb2.maus.de --- (*) Not entirely correct, the original 8x8 tunnel has been coded by mr hill, I have only changed it to 4x4 resulution...
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