
Aurea by MadWizards [web] & Radiance

         simon says

         we are back
         click click click 


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         with a pinch of RADIANCE proudly presents
         A    U    R    E    A

         a modern pc demo presented first in front of the
         charming crowd at Riverwash 2021 held in Katowice,
         Poland on August 27-29th 2021. You people rock!
   ª:.                                                             :
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   :                                                               :
   .     ROBOTIZED BY                                              :

         Programming and Visual Effects by KIERO
         Visuals by AZZARO
         Audio by CHASER
         Morally Supported by INFORMER/Radiance

         Made in Koszalin, Poland, August A.D. 2021
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   .     GREETS                                                    :
         To all our dead or alive friends in following groups:
         Addict, Alcatraz, Altair, Amnesty, Anadune, Andromeda
         Software Development, Apathy, Appendix, Bauknecht,
         Black Maiden, Brain Control, Calodox, Cocoon, Complex,
         Conspiracy, Decree, Dekadence, Dimness, Dinx Project,
         Dma, Dual Crew-Shining, Elude, Embassy, Encore, Ephidrena,
         Fairlight, Farbrausch, Floppy, Focus Design, Ghostown,
         Haujobb, Hellcore, Iris, Kewlers, Lamers, Lepsi Design,
         Limited Edition, Loonies, Logicoma, Matt Current,
         Mercury, Mfx, Moods Plateau, Moonflow, Nah-Kolor, Nuance,
         Omnicolour, Ozone, Panda Cube, Phase Truce, Pic Saint Loup,
         Plastic, Popsy Team, Potion, Rebels, RNO, Satori, Scoopex,
         Skarla, Spaceballs, Still, Sunflower, Supergroup, Suspend,
         The Black Lotus, TRSI, Up'Rough, Veezya, Venture, Whelpz...
         and all forgotten.
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   .     REQUIREMENTS                                              :

         A modern pc with 8GB VRAM (1080Ti+), 16GB RAM and WinX.
         The rest of you please select fullscreen on Youtube.
         You're welcome.
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   .     ANNOUNCEMENTS                                             :

         To join/rejoin Madwizards or sent us feedback about this
         production please drop an email at sgeezus@hotmail.com.
         We're somewhere on Facebook but who cares. As usual, we
         are looking for skilled members around the world who can
         jump on forthcoming projects. E-stamps back, 100% answer.

         For friendly e-swapping and 100% answer send your disk to...
         wait, wat?

         [c]2021 Madwizards
         txt layout by Azzaro
         ascii by Sharp!