Paradox Intro Collection 1 by Paradox & Kalisto & Lightforce
. : _| P A R A D O X |_ :_ _ _ ________\ /_________ _ _ _: |((_)) _____ P S X / N 6 4 / G B C ___ ((_))| |/ _______/ \ ________ ______ ________ / _\ _____ _____ \| | ___\_ / \\_ // \\_ // \\ \/ / | | \ /____/ _/ / / // \ ( | | /_______| \__________/\________// /_ \___/\____\ | <-|--------/_____/\_____\-----------------cDr\_________/m's---------|-> | _ _ | | .oO(_) MESS WITH THE BEST - DIE LIKE THE REST (_)Oo. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | - : P A R A D O X C O N S O L E P R E S E N T S : - | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Playstation Intro Collection #1 | | | | COMPANY : PARADOX CONSOLE RELEASE DATE : 25-11-2000 | | SYSTEM : Playstation SIZE : 5 x 15 MB | | TYPE : COLLECTION VIDEO MODE : YES VIDEO ALSO | | SUPPLIER: Team PDX PROTECTION : MOD + LC4 .-) | | | | __ __ _|_ ___ __ _____ ___________________________________| /| )(__) |__,(__/___) | | | | This is the first intro collection for PSX. | | | | Since PS2 arrived its time to say goodbye to the PSX(1) scene. | | We put all together the work of most PSX groups. | | | | In alphabetic order starring: | | | | Accession 6 intro's | | BAD 2 intro's | | Fuzzion 2 intro's | | Gyokuran 4 intro's | | High Society 2 intro's | | Kalisto 7 intro's | | Lightforce 17 intro's | | Misc 3 intro's | | MUPS 14 intro's | | PARADOX 50 intro's | | Respect 1 intro's | | Radwar 2 intro's | | Static 7 intro's | | Thor 2 intro's | | TRSI 4 intro's | | UCA 6 intro's | | Wackyiso 1 intro's | | ----------------------------------- | | Total 130 intro's | | | | If you are missing some after you viewed *ALL* feel free to | | send in game exe's with linked intro or just the psexe file | | of the missing intro. After all, it 'just' #1 ... ;-) | | | | [ will be open after december 1st for that] | | | | Downloads will be available on http:/ | | Starting from December 1st. [-SO DONT ASK BEFORE-] ... | | | | Screenshots of most intro's can be viewed on cracktro | | ... the #1 console intro site | | | | *BIG* Thanx! fly out to the complete PARADOX crew... | | | | Especialy to Zweifeld who put a lot of time in this project | | Artwork by Alien, man, this looks better then most menu's | | found on the games the intro's were linked on originally .-) | | | | Respect to all PSX groups, we'll meet again on future console | | | | ...Brought to you by your favourite Console Group - PaRaDoX | | | | | |__ __ ___ ___ _|_ __ __ __________________________________| (__|| '(__/_(__/_ |__,__) | | | | | | | HIGH SOCIETY - STATIC - CAPITAL - OLDSKOOL - HAUJOBB - UTOPIA | | LIGHTFORCE - EURASIA - TRSI - WACKY ISO - DUAL CREW SHINING | | MUPS - DEXTROSE - ACCESSION - CRAZY NATION | | | |__ ___ ___ _|_ ____ __ _|_ ___ ____________________________| (___(___)| ) |__,(___((___ |__, | | | | Meet us on EFNET #pdxconsole | | | | \ _:// \\:_ / | |_ _ _)\\//(_ _)\\//(_ _ /| |((_))_ ______ _\\_o\/o_/ PARADOX CONSOLE \_o\/o_//_ ______ _((_))| : |||||| - 2 0 0 0 - |||||| : '||||' '||||' .. FUCK WITH THE BEST - DIE LIKE THE REST! .. NFO DESIGNED BY: CRUSADER OF HELLFIRE
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