
VED (Vector Editor) v1.1 by Bodies In Motion

				   VED v1.1
				 Vector Editor
			  Tumblin / Bodies In Motion

1.  What's new in this version
2.  Introduction to VED
3.  Guidlines for Using the Editor
4.  Keyboard Commands
5.  Crash Course in Making an Object
6.  Credits
7.  Programming Information
8.  History and Future of VED

1.  What's new in this version

	-  additional mouse support for selecting points that make polygons
	-  scale objects
	-  some cosmetic touches here and there
	-  shows a logo object at beginning (if its in current directory)


2.  Introduction to VED
	VED is our vector editor.  We created this tool to easily (??) make
3D light-source shaded polygon objects for use in our demos.  What we
originally had in mind was some sort of editor that would allow us to make
these kinds of objects as, manipulate them, and instantly see the results.

	I will tell you up front (this is Tumblin at the keys), this editor
is not the best editor, nor does it have lots of cool features (yet :).  You
might have better luck creating objects in some other kind of editor.  This
might sound kinda dumb, but when I started creating this editor, I actually
had no experience in using any other 3D modeller programs (eg. 3DS, Moray,
etc.)  So when I made this thing, I only had my own concept of how one would
make objects interactively in this manner, and wasn't sure how I was going to
do it.  Well, after some time and experimentation, I came up with my own
method of "vector editing".

	Lets take a look at how to use our editor.


3.  Guidelines for Using the Editor
	The way in which you go about constructing 3D objects is in the
following manner:

-> First you create all the "dots" (or vertices - where the corners of the
polygons will join) in the object.  (actually, you don't have to create *all*
of them at this stage, or any other stage, just enough to get you started,
and give yourself a rough outline of your object).

-> Secondly, you switch to either Wireframe Mode or Polygon Mode, turn on
the vertex highlighting (you will see why in a minute), and begin joining the
vertices to make polygons by repeatedly invoking the "Create Polygon" command.
The way that you do this step is you type in how many vertices are going to
be in the polygon, and then click on the "dots" that make them up with your
mouse.  You must select them in counter clock wise order, when looking
at the visible side of the polygon.  You do it this way so that something
called "backface removal" can work correctly.  The rendering software uses
this technique to decide whether the polygon will be visible or not... you
don't want to draw polygon that you can't see... its too slow).  After you
select all of the vertices for your particular polygon, you will be given a
color chart with the colors listed on it.  Type in the color that you would
like to use. Thats it!

	You will have a need to rotate the object around so that you can get a
chance to "see" all the polygons' visible sides.  Some times you may want to
"zoom in" on the object to get better access to vertices that may be rather
close together.

	Up next, the most important part... the key commands that make this
baby do its thing!


4.  Keyboard Commands
	If you havn't noticed already, VED is, at present, almost totally
keyboard driven.  This means that you are going to have to learn some weird
keys to do all the different commands.  But don't worry, they aren't that
bad.  Most of them are chosen because of the name of their functions.  Just
think of what it is that you are trying to do, and you'll come up with the
right key stroke (:

Here is a list of the different key commands and what they are for (I will
enclose them in [] characters to make them stand out as the actual key that
you have to hit to make them work):

The arrow keys on the keypad are used to move the dots around.  Your
NumLock key must be tured on.  So:
8 moves up
2 moves down
4 moves left
6 moves right
- moves into screen
+ moves toward you

[f] - File menu.
This one will bring up the file menu, where you have the opportunity to
start a new object, load in a new object, save your current object, run the
dos shell (so you can do some temporary task and the return), and last but
not least, quit out of VED.

[m] - Mode menu.
This is one of the more important keys.  It lets you change from the three
different modes: dot mode, wireframe mode, and polygon mode.  Dot mode will
display the object's dots (or if you like, vertices).  Wireframe mode will
display the object with straight lines that bound each polygon.  There is no
hidden line removal in this mode.   Its great for helping you adjust your
object's dot positions or for "debugging" your objects.  Polygon mode will
display your object in fully light-source shaded solid filled polygons.

[v] - Change view.
This menu will let you select which side of the object you want to look at.
It lets you look from above, below, left, right, front, and back.  This is a
very useful tool for helping you position your vertices when the screen
starts to get a bit cluttered up.  It also helps out when you want to make
things look symetric.

[o] - Options menu.
This will ask you a few questions about what you want enabled or disabled in
the editor.  It will allow you to:
- turn on/off the information panel accross the top of the screen
- turn on/off the visibility of the vertices (ie. dots)
- turn on/off polygon highlighting (highlighted polygons are always purple)
- turn on/off the visibitlity of the vertex numbers
- toggle between coarse or fine dot movement
The defaults are y,n,n,n,y , respectively.

[n] - Next dot.
Selects the next defined dot (vertex).  It will cycle through all the dots
that have been currently defined.

[p] - Previous dot.
Selects the previously defined dot (vertex).  It will cycle through all the
dots that have been currently defined.

[c] - Create new dot.
This will create a new dot (vertex) at the current position.

[e] - Erase current dot.
This will erase the current dot, and the previously defined dot will become
the current dot.  WARNING: make sure you do not delete dots that are
currently attatched to a polygon, because it could crash the system (sorry).

[E] - Erase all dots.
This will erase all the dots in the object.  

[N] - Next polygon.
Selects the next defined polygon.  It will cycle through all the polygons
that have been currently defined.  This won't help you very much unless you
have polygon highlighting enabled.

[P] - Previous polygon.
Selects the previously defined polygon.  It will cycle through all the
polygons that have been currently defined.  This won't help you very much
unless you have the polygon highlighting enabled.

[C] - Create new polygon.
This will create a new polygon.  You will be asked to enter the number of
vertices that will be in the polygon.  Then you must enter the vertex numbers
in counter-clockwise order when the polygon is viewed from the visible side.
WARNING: make sure you enter the correct order, or you could crash the
system (sorry again).

[U] - Undo current polygon.
This will erase the current polygon, and the previously defined polygon will
become the current polygon.  This will only undefine the polygon, and the
vertices will still remain in your object.  Use this one if you screwed up
when you used C (create polygon) and managed not to crash the system.

[x], [y], [z] - Turn on rotation on x, y, z  axis, respectively.
[X], [Y], [Z] - Turn off rotation on x, y, z  axis, respectively.

[A] - Turn on all three axis of rotation.
[R] - Reset all rotation angles to 0 and turn off all rotations.

[<] - Move object away from you (along the z axis)
[>] - Move object towards you (along the z axis)
[.] - Reset the object to default distance (z=origin)

[S] - Scale object.
This one lets you scale the object by multiplying all of its dots by a ratio.
The value you must enter must be a value that is positive and cannot equal
zero.  So if you entered 2.0, you would have increased the object to 200% of
its current size, if you entered 0.5, you will have shrunk the object to 50%
of its current size.  Note, that if you did the above scaling operations in
sequence, you would end up having the object restored to it original size.


5.  Crash Course in Making an Object

Okay, here is how you could make a simple cube right after you run the editor
for the first time:

1) type "ved11" to execute the editor
2) hit a key after the title appears to begin your editing session
3) hit "o" for options
4) answer the questions in this order: y,y,n,y,y  (this means the following:
	information panel - on
	visible dots - on
	visible vertex numbers - off
	polygon highlighting - on
	coarse dot movement - on
5) now move the point to a corner with your keypad's arrow keys (make sure
	Num-Lock is on).
6) press "c" to create a new dot
7) repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have all 8 dots positioned in the correct
	place to make it look like a cube
8) now press "C" to create a polygon
9) press "y" to answer the question "do you want to create a polygon?"
10) now position your mouse cursor over the dot and left click on it
11) repeat step 10 by clicking on the dots that make up the polygon in
	 *counter clockwise order*.  This is VERY important!
12) once you have selected the last vertex in the polygon, you will be shown
	 a list of colors... type in the color you want to assign to the polygon
	 and press ENTER.
13) repeat steps 8 through 12 until all of the polygons are connected.  You
	 will have to spin the object around to make all of the sides visible.
	 [see section 3 for instructions on how to do this]
14) save the object by pressing "f" for file menu and then select "s" for
	 save object.  Then just follow the on screen instructions.

That's pretty simple, isn't it?


6.  Credits

Coding, design:
Terry Sznober (aka Tumblin / Bodies In Motion)

Additional design and ideas:
Craig Galbraith (aka Rush / Bodies In Motion)

Tumblin, and
Joe Goguen (aka Lord Feff / Bodies In Motion)

We used the following products to produce this editor:
XLIB 6.1 graphics library,
Deluxe Paint Animation,
Turbo C++ 3.0,
TASM 2.0.
Lots of public domain source code and tidbits of information from numerous
places on the internet.


7.  Programming Information

First up, the file format:

VED uses a very simple file format that I call .V10 (standing for VED v1.0
file format).  I will describe it here.

It is in binary format, and contains only integers.  Here's what the
complete format looks like:

The first int tells you how many vertices are in the object.

The next series of ints is a list of all the vertices.  They are stored as
groups of 3 ints and represent the x,y,z coordinates of each vertex.

Then the next int tells you how many polygons are in the object.

The next series of ints is the polygon definitions.  Repeat the following for
each of the polygon:
First int is the number of vertices in the polygon.
This is followed by a list of which of the vertices make up this particular
polygon.  They are simply indices into the list of vertex triplets, and
are listed in counter clock-wise order when the polygon is visible.
Finally, the last int in the polygon definition is the color of the polygon.

Thats it.  Here's a little example of a 3d cube to clarify:

(I'm using a coordinate system that looks like this:
-x to +x = right to left
-z to +z = bottom to top
-y to +y = inside screen out into your face
Although in the editor, you use this coordinate system:
-x to +x = left to right
-y to +y = bottom to top
-z to +z = inside screen out into your face)

8,                   | number of vertices in object
+200,-200,+200,      | vertex 0  (x,y,z)    (left top back)
+200,-200,-200,      | vertex 1  (x,y,z)    (left bottom back)
-200,-200,-200,      | vertex 2  (x,y,z)    (right bottom back)
-200,-200,+200,      | vertex 3  (x,y,z)    (right top back)
+200,+200,+200,      | vertex 4  (x,y,z)    (left top front)
+200,+200,-200,      | vertex 5  (x,y,z)    (left bottom front)
-200,+200,-200,      | vertex 6  (x,y,z)    (right bottom front)
-200,+200,+200,      | vertex 7  (x,y,z)    (right top front)
4,  0,1,5,4,  1,     | polygon 0: 4 vertices, ... , color 1   (left)
4,  4,5,6,7,  2,     | polygon 1: 4 vertices, ... , color 2   (front)
4,  7,6,2,3,  3,     | polygon 2: 4 vertices, ... , color 3   (right)
4,  3,2,1,0,  4,     | polygon 3: 4 vertices, ... , color 4   (back)
4,  0,4,7,3,  5,     | polygon 4: 4 vertices, ... , color 5   (top)
4,  5,1,2,6,  6,     | polygon 5: 4 vertices, ... , color 6   (bottom)

Since the colors are dependant to the editor, you will have some coding to
do if you want to use colors other than the ones that VED 1.0 uses.  (This is
not as difficult as it seams).

Next up, Calculations:

Now, here are the calculations that are performed on each vertex to display
it on the screen (in pseudo code, and assuming you're using a mode-x
320x240x256 screen):

/* rotate around x-axis */
work_z = old_y * cos(x_angle) - old_z * sin(x_angle);
work_y = old_y * sin(x_angle) + old_z * cos(x_angle);
work_x = old_x;

/* rotate around y-axis */
temp_x = work_x * cos(y_angle) - work_z * sin(y_angle);
temp_z = work_x * sin(y_angle) + work_z * cos(y_angle);
work_x = temp_x;
work_z = temp_z;

/* rotate around z-axis */
temp_x = work_x * cos(z_angle) - work_y * sin(z_angle);
temp_y = work_x * sin(z_angle) + work_y * cos(z_angle);
work_x = temp_x;
work_y = temp_y;

/* project and convert to screen coordinates */
screen_x = (work_x / (work_z - 1024)) * 256 + 160;
screen_y = (work_y / (work_z - 1024)) * 256 + 120;


7.  The History and Future of VED

This is the second release of VED, now in version 1.1 

The main change was in the way in which polygons are created.  I got rather
tired of always having to type in the vertex numbers and thought that it
would be rather cool and simple just to be able to move a mouse cursor near
the vertex and click on it.  I think I have come up with a way to make the
process less cumbersome.  There is just one problem... if you select the same
vertex twice or get them in the wrong order, things can screw up for you and
crash the computer.  I know that there are many things in here I could add,
change, and optimize.  I just have to get around to doing it.  Perhaps I will
try to make as much of it mouse driven as possible... it seams to help get
things done so much faster.  I have some neat ideas for a whole new and more
professional look.

We are not sure of what will become of VED.  We may release some bug fixes
later on.  Perhaps we will release a more powerful version with lots of bells
and whistles.  Maybe even a superior object file format.  Who knows.
So stay tuned!



			 Tumblin, Rush, Lord Feff, Nid
			 Bodies In Motion '95