Entropy by Epoch [web]
"Entropy" by Epoch (the usual suspects) A PC/Windows demo for the Assembly 2014 Demo Compo. Abstract A relatively quick one done merely for (our) entertainment and (your) annoyance. We don't approve of schedules. VΣsyttΣΣ perkeleesti. Authors dysposin graphics, blender ninja noby music, direction, additional code sainigma 3D sm code, design, direction The skybox is (still) made by 93i and it is released under creative commons license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/). (c) etc glew, glfw, GNU Rocket, fxaa, stb_image Resolution picker by Gargaj GPU Noise Lib by Brian Sharpe Greetings and respect SQNY, Flo, Traction, Quite, Halcyon, Peisik, Pan Sonic Contact http://epoch.untergrund.net/
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