OUM Meet 1992 Demo by Twilighte [web]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1992 ORIC Meeting Mini Demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by ___________ .__.__ .__ .__ __ \__ ___/_ _ _|__| | |__| ____ | |___/ |_ ____ | | \ \/ \/ / | | | |/ ___\| | \ __\/ __ \ | | \ /| | |_| / /_/ > Y \ | \ ___/ |____| \/\_/ |__|____/__\___ /|___| /__| \___ > /_____/ \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This demo was for the 1992 ORIC Meeting in Aylesbury, Bucks, GB. What you cannot see here is the smooth scrolling that was done on the message at the top and the interweaving pattern covering the rest of the screen. The Music in the background of this Single part demonstration was taken from MUSED, the only decent Musical Editor at that time for the Oric. At the time, these Demonstrations were rather good, if i may say so myself. I was at the experimental stage of development. Trying out new techniques, new ideas to see what the old machine was capable of doing in real time! I still return occasionally to the first demonstration to listen to the music from MUSED. FEATURES - Smooth Scrolling - 3 Channel Music from MUSED - Full Screen Activity - 30% Basic - 70% Machine code Here is a dump of the BASIC part of the source code; it contains the text in the scroll text :) 0 PLAY7,0,0,0:GOTO10 1 Y=0:T=32:P=1:REPEAT:B=PEEK(Z+Y+8*ASC(MID$(A$,P,1)))ANDT:IFB>0THENB=32 2 POKEX+Y,B:Y=Y+1:IFY>7THENY=0:T=T/2:IFT<1THENT=32:P=P+1 3 IFDEEK(#97D0)>=32600THENDOKE#97D0,32000 4 CALLZ:UNTILP=LEN(A$):READA$:GOTO1 10 REM TEXT SMOOTH SCROLL + HIRES - 11 REM COLOUR BARS 12 POKE#26A,10:!LOAD"SCR3.CHS" 13 !LOAD"DEMO3.REL":!LOAD"PLAY.MEM" 14 DOKE#24B,#9781:POKE#24A,#4C:DOKE#97D0,32000:DOKE#97D2,33999:POKE#97D4,45 15 POKE#977F,1 20 FORA=46080TO46162:READB$:POKEA,VAL("#"+B$):NEXTA 30 DATAA9,08,85,00,A9,B7,85,01,A2,F9,A0,08,B1,00,29,20,4A,4A,4A,4A,4A,85,02 40 DATAA0,00,B1,00,29,1F,0A,18,65,02,91,00,E6,00,CA,D0,E2,A9,82,85,00,A9,A2 45 DATA85,01,A2,0F,A0,28,B1,00,A0,00,91,00,A5,00,18,69,28,85,00,A5,01,69,00 46 DATA85,01,CA,D0,E8,AD,72,02,29,07,8D,DA,A4,60 102 GOSUB300 105 READA$:Z=46080:X=47104:GOSUB500:GOTO1 300 REM SETUP SCRN 310 CLS:PAPER0:INK7 312 FORA=48000TO49119:POKEA,97+RND(1)*31:NEXTA 313 FORA=0TO3:PLOT0,A," ":NEXTA 315 C=97 320 FORB=5TO35:PLOTB,1,C:PLOTB,2,C:C=C+1:NEXTB 330 FORA=0TO26:PLOT0,A,10:NEXTA 340 PRINT@2,10;:RETURN 500 FORA=41603TO42243STEP40:POKEA,26:POKEA-1,RND(1)*7:NEXTA 510 PLOT1,1,30:PLOT1,2,30 520 RETURN 600 DATA"WELCOME TO THE 1992 ORIC MEETT" 630 DATA"HELLO'S GO TO DAVE (ED) DICK,ALISTAIR (GRENDEL)" 640 DATA" WAY,JON (BIG) HAYWORTH,NICHOLAS (SNAP) HAYWORTH,ALLAN " 650 DATA" WHITAKER,DAVID (TECHY) WILKIN,FRANK BOLTON,," 660 DATA"GRAHAM SHAW,ROBERT COOK,VINCENT TALVAS,," 670 DATA"BOB (RAVING) TERRY,JOHN MCKAY,DEREK SMITH,PETER (CAMERA)" 680 DATA" BRAGG,DAVE(MODEM) GOODRUM,DR PAUL (ORIC MASTER) JOHNSON,BRIAN " 690 DATA"(WELSH) KIDD,LAURENT CHIACCHIERINI (MR LC FOR SHORT),STEVE(FANCY " 700 DATA"A HOLIDAY) HOPPS,ROB KIMBERLEY, ARNT ERIK ISAKSON (AUNTY FOR SHORT)" 705 DATA" AND ALL THE OTHER MILLI" 710 DATA"ONS OF ORIC USERS WHO HAVE TURNED UP FOR THE BEST SHOW AROUND.," 720 DATA" AHA STILL HERE, UMM LETS START AGAIN.. . . . . . " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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