
bravo india tango sierra charlie lima uniform bravo by Bilotrip [web]

### 20100428: police report: illegal voices over telepathy. illegal stealth of private and intimate information. ###

bilotrip: bravo india tango sierra charlie lima uniform bravo

code: visy
music: nosfe (samples from the conet project: http://www.archive.org/details/ird059)

uses Trilobit ScriPtable Lua Interactive MultiplatForm (SPLIF) version 0.1
for osx/win32 (should work with osx >= 10.5 and windows >= xp)

but that's not all!

i've included the player / interpreter sources (main.c), it depends on fmod and lua 5.1,
so it should be compilable on linux systems as well, but you also need to recompile luaglut-0.5
for your system then: http://lua-users.org/files/wiki_insecure/users/VarolKaptan/luaglut-0.5.tar.gz

the required files on linux are luaglut.so, luagl.so and memarray.so

the demo always uses the current desktop resolution. if you want a window:

./bravo_osx x_res y_res
bravo_win.exe x_res y_res

this demo was built with gcc, opengl, freeglut, lua, luaglut and fmod

i don't recommend using 0.1 for your own projects, we are working on
a more stable version of this simple scripting framework for demos.

we greet all non-illegal aliens and everybody who are using telepathy responsibly

-- visy (vp79799[at]gmail.com)