8 CHANNELS by Mister Beep [web]
THIS IS ô8 CHANNELSö 1-BIT MUSIC-COLLECTION FOR ZX SPECTRUM 48K. PRESS 1-8 KEYS FOR THE MUSIC (AND WAIT A BIT EVERY TIME). ANY OTHER KEY FOR SILENCE. THESE ARE 8 CHANNELS BEEPER TRACKS! :) ALL SONGS ARE LOOPED. MUSIC BY MISTER BEEP, CODE BY FACTOR6, GFX BY TRIXS! THE MUSIC HAS BEEN MADE IN ZX-7 EDITOR BY JAN DEAK. COMPILER MADE BY XXL. DONÆT USE EMULATORS! THEIR BEEPER EMULATION ISNÆT GOOD. USE ORIGINAL HARDWARE AND CONNECT ôMICö PORT INTO HI-FI AMPLIFIER OR PC LINE-IN, LIKE ALL CIVILIZED SPECTRUMISTS DO. ;-) BOOST BASS AND ENJOY THE Z80 CHIP SOUND! "8 CHANNELS" demo (C) 22.11.2009 by MISTER BEEP, Factor6, Trixs. Special thanks to Jan Deak for his great ZX-7 editor and to XXL for his ZX-7 compiler. :) Some tek blah. The songs themselves are small files but to play they require a pretty big buffer space in memory. Therefore the RAM is totally full and we had only a small amount of RAM for the code and scroll-text. In hardware way Spectrum 48 has only one channel of sound and a square wave only (also - no volumes). Because of that we use softsynths only, for making music. Z80 chip produces all sounds and sends them into BEEPER and AUDIO-OUT connector of ZX SPECTRUM (jack) through ULA chip. ZX-7 editor is the most powerful one because it gets 8 software channels from the hardware 1 channel. http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0012538 The editor has no drums at all (only tones) however I managed to generate drums-simulation in some songs. I made it with some noises made of many dissonant tones (try to imagine hitting piano's keyboard with your fists - that's the idea :) ). Generally it was close to torture because I had to make every drum with about 6 tones. So you count the drums now and multiply them by 6. ;) Only THEN I was able to compose the proper songs. The drums themselves took me mostly one day of work then, hahaha. :) In 1991 Jan Deak thought that it's impossible to use ZX-7 songs in own programs because the songs required too big RAM space. So he made no compiler for it. But 17 years later, the Atari XL/XE coder named XXL managed to make a proper compiler, and Factor6 - with good compressing methodes - managed to gather even 8 such songs in 48K memory. In MP3 format these songs have sometimes additionally some intros but I didn't add the intros in the demo because mostly these progs has no compilers or even no SAVE option at all (they're kind of instruments to play 1-bit noises from keyboard only). Anyway - it wouldn't be possible to add anything more in the RAM after all. ***Many thanks to Factor6 for his miracles with compressing :) and to Trixs for his excellent graphic*** Tools used: - ZX-7 Polyphonic Musical Instrument by BytePack (Jan Deak) - ZX-7 Compiler by XXL - Art Studio by James Hutchby - Prometheus assembler by Universum - Turbo Imploder by SapoSoft&BusySoft (packer) - Mr.Pack by ??? (packer) Tracks in MP3: http://8bitcollective.com/music/MISTER+BEEP/Clock+Mechanism/ http://parishq.net/proposed//sound/mister_beep-cpus_explosion.mp3 http://8bitcollective.com/music/MISTER+BEEP/A+crazy+boy+is+jumping+2/ http://8bitcollective.com/music/MISTER+BEEP/A+piece+of+disaster/ http://8bitcollective.com/music/MISTER+BEEP/Unbearable+bee/ http://parishq.net/proposed/sound/mister_beep-kick_the_drums.mp3 http://berlin_hq.micromusic.net/bhack.html (in my album "MONOPHONIC GENERATOR" published by BERLIN HQ label) http://parishq.net/proposed/sound/mister_beep-a_crazy_boy_is_jumping.mp3 Let the Z80 sound be with all of you forever! ;) MISTER BEEP http://mister_beep.republika.pl/
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